Monday, July 8, 2013

What to do during a VERY rainy summer!

Well...books are always a good idea...and Callum and Maira always tend to enjoy books more in the summer, when we are all home more. Above, Callum 'reads' ARTHUR'S HALLOWEEN to Maira. This is probably Callum's favorite ARTHUR book, and he got it at The Record Connection: The Record Connection has TONS of awesome used books, and if you live around here, you should go check it out! Books, CDs, records, and more! And Bob, the owner, is a splendid human being. And Callum and Maira NEVER pay for books there!

And, below, enjoying "Daddy's chair" and the nice to "Ott Light." This green recliner chair belonged to Nannie and Upbob and 'I believe' they had it at Foundry Street, a place at which we havent lived since about 1991....I took this chair to college, etc. I love this chair. I spent a lot of time there post surgery!

One can also go pick strawberries in the rain, because at least it isnt crowded there! We found ONE U-Pick strawberry place....the upick farms are hard to come by. Forty dollars later, we had TONS of strawberries. More than what is pictured below. We tried canning four quarts of they, but they didnt work out very well. I think freezing they is the way to go. I dont really like strawberries....I want to go blueberry picking. That is my favorite fruit! And very Maineish....

And if all else fails, go outside and play in the rain, right? Especially if you have cool rain boots and cool umbrellas shaped like frogs and such......We have had so much rain this summer. It was sunny this past Saturday, but, before that, it had rained since the previous Friday. Days and Days of consecutive rain. No tomatoes this year I guess......

Another cool thing to do in the rain is to have puppet shows. Lydia sent the kids some great books on how to make puppets and how to do uniquely fun things in the summer. IN ADDITION to that, of course, she sent ME Bob Dylan marionette that she made. Lydia is an artist. Below, Callum practices "A Hard Rain's A Gonna Fall." #topical

And when it rains, we always know that EVENTUALLY the sun will come out. So, that being said, we prepare for things. And one of those things involves building an awesome birdhouse in which our feathered friends can live. BaBa got Callum a 'make your own' birdhouse kit for his birthday, so one morning we put it together. Oh, and Maira helped....

Yeay Callum! Great job. Today I picked up some water sealer for it, and then Callum wants to hang it on the oak tree out front. Callum is very smart and intuitive and excellent at building things and putting things together....

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