Saturday, May 9, 2015

Aminals.. This blog is aboot aminals. 

So a few weeks ago (during April vacation) we went out our friends, the Farr's, farm #somanyeffsandarrs. They are friends from church are fantastic folks who previously lived in Colorado and moved to Maine to begin homesteading and farming in Troy (a town near Unity and Thorndike). They are focusing on apples, vegetables, and poultry/eggs as of now. As you can see from the photo, it was VERY cold and rainy and miserable...and the snow was not all gone yet. We buy eggs each week from the Farrs, and the eggs are awesome. I know my dad will laugh...haha...but you REALLY can tell the difference. There is nothing like farm fresh eggs. And a farm fresh boiled egg in the morning is tough to beat #getit? #youdontgetit. Below, we are checking out the chicken 'yard.' The Farrs have four wonderful kids and we enjoyed our visit with them...we hope to see them soon!

I have a confession: I had previously gone through almost 36 full years of life without ever even hearing about a bird called a "Guinea." I dont know if I am even spelling it right, and I am too lazy to spellcheck. The Guinea birds are not so much of a 'meat' or egg product; but, rather, they exist primarily to eat bugs/ticks that might otherwise invade crops/people. Absolutely beautiful plumage and feathers, no? And if you blow up the photo and get a look at their faces, you will see they are tremendously beautiful and ugly at the same time...haha..

Oh and here is our puppy, Orso, hanging out with some happy kids....he continues to adjust well, and he loves going for his walks with us! He just really loves to be where people are and rarely goes off 'alone.' A very social duog and 99% of the time he is either here in the living room or on the floor beside our bed....

He's a tall duog....

And keepin with the aminal theme of this post, check out the shirt that Sally got me!! The best shirt ever. Pusheen is the name of this cat, and, this is hard to explain: Pusheen is a cat that exists SOLELY to be a 'sticker' or 'emoticon' sort of figure on Facebook...for people who cannot express their statements fully in words. Does that even make sense? Probably not. I dont have time to explain. World Cafe is on. Just enjoy the high comedy that is this shirt....

I mean, it is a cat wearing a monocle here folks!!!

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