I am home today (we get an extra day's vacation, and I get a day to recover from whatever bug has been plaguing me) because of the second huge storm in as many days we got--this one dumped well over a foot of snow on an already impressive base from previous storms. Its been some winter! I love the neighborhood in which we live--everyone helps everyone else with removal of the lovely white stuff, whether it be snowblowing, shoveling, roofraking, or massage providing. Not really. But I love how everyone "pays it forward." I've never seen the movie, but I understand the concept. And when one person is helped by someone else, that person, by the "unwritten code of neighbors," then helps someone else who needs it. Very cool.
Here are some storm pictures. We're running out of places to PUT the snow, however. Our driveway, walkway, and "trail" the wood pile make our yard look like Hoth. Honk if you know what that reference means. I suspect Jay, Johnny, Ortiz, and Tim will know. Maybe Randy too.
The drifts are well over 6 feet tall. Perfect for a fort or burying a body . . .
Ah . . .morning has broken. And so has my back. I tried to rake off much of the roof and valley so we dont get ice dams ("Good boy . . .thats a good idea" says Ortiz). We got Sally Piles a nice clear driveway, since she had to go to work.
Traditionally, on New Year's Day (by the way . . .sorry I botched the title of the last blog ) we go to Ensign Walters for pork and sauerkraut. Because of both the storm and my not feeling well, we stayed home. We ran to Hannaford though, and I made us a boiled dinner of corned beef and cabbage. It sucked actually. Hannaford doesnt sell "Mosey's," which anyone from the Boston area will tell you is the best. Next time I'll have to copy Fuzzy's seafood Shepard's pie. While I cooked, Amanda caught up with her good friend Andrea, whom she hasnt spoken to for a long time. Hi Andrea!!!
I was FORCED by Amanda and Thomas to finally LIE DOWN and RELAX so I could feel better. Thomas even put his whole body weight on me so I couldnt move. Oh well . . .I dont mind. . . .
Good thing it's not close to Amanda's due date. Imagine trying to get to the hospital in all that snow!
Just to keep it going I'm goig to say again I wish I lived in Maine. I love all the snow and I'm so jealous.
tell stevee cee the fly fishing and striper fishing is the best around . . . .
Oh, it would be so cool if you guys moved up here! We could do so many things together!
This winter is definitely the best one we've had for a long time. Last year we got hardly any snow until April. I'd much rather have it now.
yes, we missed you very much yesterday at the Walter's but we understood that the weather was bad. Hope you had a great snow day though! and hope you had a good extra day of vacation, Jared. And sorry you had to work today, Amanda, hehe...I had to work too
Loved your blog today...our house looks much the same. There is snow EVERYWHERE, and despite my love for it, I'm tired of shoveling. See you at work tomorrow, Jared, and hope to see you soon, Amanda!
*honk honk*
I often use the analogy "Its colder than friggin Hoth outside."
Good post...finally.
Artie says hi, and he wants you to buy him a budlight.
So you want me to move up to that! I rather put my Moshe pubick in a vice and turn it slowly. Corned beef looks good.
OMG Jared! Dennis Basso is opening a fur store right here in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Maybe it is good to live in Jersey!
Hey we can take a road trip when you visit this summer. Maybe you'll get lucky and Dennis will be there!
Yeah you couldn't get Mosely's up in Vermont either. Shit is whack.
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