JJ is quite the handsome little peanut, and for Christmas we got him a tractor ornament with his name on it, and an awesomely rugged (yet adorable) pair of Carhartt overalls--now he and his godfather JaJa can be sames when they split wood up in Maine. He will undoubtedly be the envy of all the other Blackstone kids, who don't have wicked cool and fat godfathers from Maine bringing them Carhartts. So, in about two or three years, he will fit into them (I said he is a little peanut man . . .)
Amanda and JJ shared some special moments on the kitchen floor playing with both the box and the tissue paper in which his ornament came. Wait a second . . .is that JJ? Or is it TOM BRADY!!?? I can't figure it out! JJ does have a great arm, as evidenced by the fastballs he was throwing at me when we played in his ball-tank downstairs. You can't see it right now . . .but as Amanda and JJ played, big Jason and Jenn were preparing a scrumptious spread of snacks, including some jalepeno poppers, pizza spinners, extreme fajitas . . . .and Jason's famous buffalo chicken dip! This stuff is amazing, and I'll be sure to introduce it to my "Maine clientele." We also noshed on some perfectly done pulled pork, some tasty ale, and a few rich and chocolaty "Henry's special" brownies. A good food festival. Oh yeah . . .and we watched some football too . . .
And here is the gang! From left to right, let me introduce the following: "sleepytime Amanda," "my buddy Tim," J.J. himself, Tina Fey Ponticelli, big Jason, "the artist formerly known as Torey," and Sally Piles. It was a super surprise to see Tore (he dropped the "y" after college) because he was such a great high school friend of ours, and we haven't seen him in ages! He and his fiance Mi-Hyuen are getting married in August (first stateside, and then in Korea) so it was great to hear about that . . .and we got to catch up on the rest of his life, his professorship, his band, etc.
Oh, and its 3 below right now. A fire is raging, and we're just enjoying some nice hot tea. More to come later . . . sorry for the lag in blog entries . . .I was "incommunicado" this weekend. You have to pardon me . . .I speak broken Portuguese
Ja, Sally, and "BTBNL" (Baby To Be Named Later),
We were tremendously hyappy that yous came to B-Stizzy. We had a blast yesterday. It was really nice to have everyone over. That's what its all about.
Highlights of my Sunday included (in no particular order):
The Yuppy Camping Car commericial that Jared went freestyle on, creating a new verse everytime we saw the damn thing.
Jared asking J.J. repeatedly: "What Haaaaappened?"
Finally seeing the two red-haired Amanda's in the same room-at the same time. Neither had a goatee, so I made it even more difficult to figure out which one was EVIL! Doppelganger Even!
Doing our best to hold all Chinese jokes at bay for the day. VERY DIFFICULT! (I hope that doesn't offend anyone) Only a few Sanda Oh jokes, Tim and Sleepytime (?) Amanda doing some Wax On Wax Off stuff in the kitchen, and the normal "Oh Hi Hans!" references from Team America. All in all I am pretty proud of us's.
Great food, good bizeers, and ruining it all when Jenn gave everything away to people. Deep down I feel as though she resents the fact that I never enrolled to Fat School as recommended by my primary care physician.
Getting three texts from the Reverend and only understanding one of them. Tedy!, Hamburgalar!, & Charles Xavier!
Not that I don't know who these three people are, but it is why they were sent when they weres.
Just about every play the Pats made of more than 7 yards, Jared would yell, "Oh, TOUCHDOWN!"
Watching Jared and Sally play with J.J. I think they will make fine parents. Sally more Finer that Ja, he's a little fat in the ass. I am so excited for them and Sally looked fantastic. She had "The Glow" going on. Jared just be careful when the "BTBNL" arrives. You have to support his head for a good three months or so. And when you decide to play other games when he is older too. J.J. has a neckbrace on today thanks to your "Trot Trot to Boston" game. He's calling Michael Hychael as I type this.
And always just some good old fashion "Racketeering" Its great that no matter how much time passes, we pick that shit up right where we left off. "Racketeers!" [Sammy Sosa sign]
I am offended at your chink joke comment!!!
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