(The first two were inspired by Ortiz himself . . .he has jumped on the "meandering" bandwagon. Proud of you dad)
1. The word "track" has so many definitions, and may be the most underrated word in our language--it does so much, yet gets no credit. Some usages of track:
-a footprint of an animal
-a place to run
-the number of a song on an album
-to look after or observe (i.e. track his behavior)
-a sport
-to hunt down or follow (track a bear and then shoot it)
-a figurative place to be (you're on the right track since you've quit doing blow . . )
-something on which a train travels
-many, many others I am sure . . .
2. Most juices are liberals, working together to combine flavors for a greater good (cran-grape, strawberry banana, etc). But pineapple juice is a die-hard conservative, stuck in its ways. Why? Well, for example, its the only juice still to not abandon its big aluminum can. Did you ever notice how pineapple juice, in the juice aisle, is always on the very bottom, sitting quietly, in its boring, unadorned can? No other juices come this way. Come on Strom Pineapple . . .get with the program! (Seriously though . . .why does pineapple juice still come this way? I dont even think they make those types of can openers to punch a hole in the can anymore)
3. Today, all kinds of businesses are preaching the benefits of "going green" and recycling, etc. They brag about how their stupid bags are made out of used potatoes and how the soap they use in the restrooms of the stores is made of rendered hippy fat, etc. If they're so concerned, then why dont they do what I consider to be the most obvious thing of all--shut off some damn lights when they're closed? Did you ever drive by Wal-Mart of Home Crapot at night? Are we in Las Vegas or something? Seriously . . .shut off your lights. Now they are probably saying "well they're for security reasons." Codswallup, I say. They make motion detected lights. I know this because Bill across the street, who is the county Bailiff, gets called out at 1, 2, 3 in the morning and has motion lights in his driveway. Bill knows whats up . . .why doesnt crap-mart? Get motion detected lights, then if someone goes to steal your plastic crap, the lights will go on when movement is sensed. Until you do that, stop bragging about how hippy-green you are.
4. On the show "Deal or No Deal," there is a suitcase that actually holds $.01. If you play to the end, and you actually end up with the penny, do they give it to you? What is more of an insult to the contestant: actually giving them a check for one cent, or not giving it to them at all? And is it a check? Or does Howie give you a shiny Lincoln piece?
5. I love the expression "I hear congratulations are in order!" because it is rhetorically brilliant. This phrase is usually muttered to someone who just bought a house, had a baby, cured their hemorrhoids, or whatever. The beauty of this phrase is how you can say it to someone without "actually" wishing them "congratulations,"and I like to use it on people for whom I could care less. All you are ACTUALLY saying, in fact, is how you "hear" that some people might be wishing you congratulations on something . . .but you're not actually congratulating them. It really is remarkable.
6. "I'd hate to meet him alone in a dark alley." What's the deal? Who are all these people hanging out in dark alleys nowadays? And are the alleys so crowded that people are actually running into each other?
7. I recently bought a box of crackers, and one of the advertising "sayings" on the front of the box (in addition to low cholesterol, high fiber, etc.) was "tastes great!." Now, I'm no ad executive, but it would seem to me that this should come standard with any manufactured food--is this really something to proudly advertise? It would appear that the idea of something "tasting great" should pretty much be a given in food I buy. But maybe thats just me.
8. I become wary of restaurants and markets who use quotation marks in exemplifying the superlatives which describe their products: "Fresh" seafood, "real" maple syrup, "homemade" dessert, etc. I think the reason I become suspicious is because of the cultural "stress" put on words in quotations when they are spoken aloud. This is a difficult meandering to write without actually being able to verbally explain it . . .but comment if you know what I mean. I mean, why do they have to "stress" that their seafood is fresh? It almost sounds "sarcastic" in a way, ya know? The spoken word in the English language is a magnificent thing--I guess you just have to hear it. If your spanikopita is homemade, just say its homemade and be done with it. "Pu vriques das peponas?"
9. There is nothing "wise" about owls, even though this is how they are personified in our culture . . .I think its crap, and I hate owls. They can all die. If they're so "wise" then how come they dont even know enough to sleep at night and work during the day like everyone else? Furthermore, if they're so smart, why do they eat disgusting mice? Why havent they devised a way to get better food? Answer that one for me. In addition, since they are so "wise" and eat mice, you'd think the least they could know is to only eat the meat . . .but, alas, they eat the mice whole, and then spit up a humongous hair ball, complete with fur, bones, and other by-products. Wow. What a wise friggin animal. . . .
10. I've never actually seen leftover pancakes get eaten and NOT thrown away. That's all.
#1, in our wisdom, many of us use track when we mean tract. #2, doesn't tomato come that way too? #3, they are all a bunch of predators on our dollar, buy buy buy. #4, haven't managed to watch THAT one. #5, mmm hmmm, has anybody said that to you all recently? Vaporize 'em. #6, does anybody younger than 60 say this? #7, by highlighting what should be obvious, the makers are trying to brainwash into believing these statements because they are likely patently untrue. #8, ditto. #9, maybe it's because owls are quiet during the day, and with people at least, the ones that listen and are quiet are often considered the wisest. I am actually endlessly amused by owls. Their silent feathers, their eerie calls, and yes, their pellets. Even made an award winning brew, 'Owl Pellet Stout'. #10, you don't live at my house... leftover pancakes get eaten all the time, often cold and with jelly. Overall dude, aren't you the English teacher? What's with using its for it's? And other places where you're missing your contractions?????
...brainwash us....
Ortiz- START A BLOG guy! Your material is top notch. You forgot "Track Marks" or the scars left by intervenous drug users. Jared shoots his heroin between his toes and into his eyelids so Sally won't find out.
I love the Pineapple Juice can. I think it tastes better coming out of the can. I like the innovation of puncturing two holes in the can to allow better flow. Who ever thought of that was a genious.
WELL DONE ORTIZ! You're getting better with age, my good man.
damn it, i wasn't first to post
Stevie cee eats left over pancakes. Really he does, I kid you not. I guess it's a Chiemiego thing.
Ponch likes it in the can
I can't believe I am friends with an owl-hater.
I like owls.
Ah, but Jared, you've forgotten that pineapple juice becomes something quite "liberal" when mixed with orange and Malibu...
Also, just wanted you to know that you'd have a FIELD DAY with your "meanderings" over here. The Brits have this obsession with printing "serving suggestion" on the pictures on food product labels. There it is, a box of orange juice. On the front, a picture of the juice being poured into a glass with the two little words on the bottom corner "serving suggestion"--no joke.
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