That's right! The Goldsmith's will soon be parents of a little guy . . . will he be a little Jared? A Callum? A Charlie? Natron? Dirkadirkajihad? Who knows . . .I think we'll have to meet him first to see what he looks like. At the risk (actually, the utmost KNOWLEDGE) of sounding cliche, this ultrasound truly was one of the most amazing things I've ever seen in person. How they have developed technology to see the little bean's vertebrae, the four chambers of his heart (which, right now, is about the size of your pinky nail) his gums, his kidneys, his liver, and his femur bone, is nothing short of extraordinary. We were blessed to find out that, so far, he is very healthy and free of any complications. Look at the beautiful mumma-to-be lying on the ultrasound table. You can't tell by looking at the hand of the doctor, but it is a RUSSIAN hand. This is very important to know . . .

The doctor was able to tell us how, currently, the little guy is weighing in at a cool 9 ounces--it is estimated that 4 of these ounces are actually crab rangoon filling, just like his dad (relatively speaking). He was a very cooperative young man, showing us all the "goods" like his little wee wee, his legs, his face, and his arms and legs. I realize I sound like a yenta as I write this, but oh well. Its my boy I'm writing about here. He was very curious as we watched him on the monitor, and he explored his hands, his face, and his fingers. At one point, it even looked like he was "clapping." Again, this he must inherit from his dad, and I am sure if the bean were wearing pants, he would be adjusting those too. Below is a picture of Amanda with the "defining photo" that told us the sex . . . .

I dont know how I didnt make it into one of these pictures, but that's fine with me! Below is one of the happy grandparents

Now comes the fun part--figuring out what we need from Babies R Us . . .oh my gosh this is a nightmare. I dont even want to write about it. I think that deciding on a stroller/car seat combo is going to be more difficult than closing on our house. This is fodder for a completely different blog, but there is just so much ridiculous crap out there for babies now. I remember (from seeing pictures) that my mom used to bathe my fat ass in the sink, in a small orange tupperware tub. She didnt need . . .oh . . . let's say a tub that plugs into the wall and not only heats the water, but also has four turbo jets that create a "whirlpool" for the infant. I am also pretty sure that, when I was a baby, my mom and dad might have put me up for a nap, and then listened to see if I were crying--or at the very most have had a monitor/walkie-talkie thing. I am almost sure that they didnt need an LCD projector to transmit an image of the baby sleeping onto a screen that they could mount in the living room--just so they could watch every movement of me. Needless to say, it is very overwhelming.
But it is the best "overwhelmment" we have ever felt.
Congratulations, Jared and Amanda! He is absolutely adorable, and you two are going to be beautiful parents!
Congratulations Amanda and Jared! And you too Lynnie!! It's been 12 years, and we've been even more flooded by 'what you need'... but other than a carseat (the law and an important life saving safety item-we were in an awful accident when the kiddo was 18 mos), I'd say, a few pkgs of cloth diapers, to be used as upchuck cloths on your shoulders. And some music you find calming for those nights when you have, oh, about 1 hour of sleep.'re a spaz. Amanda: the best of luck raising your two little boys, I'm sure that Jared will provide the more significant challenges. Seriously, I can't think of two young people who could possibly be better parents than the two of you. All the best.
Yes it's Belle again posting because I have no life. Actually I'd rather post this morning than doing any work. I'm pretty upset that our first snow of the season turned out to be a dud and we just ended up with more rain.
Anyway Congratulations to the both of you! I was so excited when QVC Queen called with the news. I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to call this weekend but I heard you were very busy all weekend.
It will be so fun to buy for a little boy! Emma thinks you should call him Jelly Bean since you've been calling the baby "Baby Bean". Steve, Emma and I are very excited for the both of you and we can't wait to meet the little guy!
Hopefully I'll be able to sway him to be a Yankee's fan!!!!
We are so happy that the bean is now a beansprout. I think if I look hard enough I can see him holding some chopsticks.You talk about the new things they have for babies, look at the food isle. They now have pure' PooPoo platter in Organic. This is going to be lots of fun.
Oh my, what a wonderful blog. You certainly know how excited I am. Amanda you look so beautiful. Pregnancy certainly agrees with you. I can't wait to meet the little Bean. By the way the M.I.L. looks great too. I love her hair!!
Jared you'll probably want to try the breast pump. Remember you wouldn't buy shoes without trying them on first!
Sorry Belle, already buying the baby a red sox jacket!!
Also getting it a bouncy seat with fish hanging all over it and an aquarium on both sides, see thats why an aunt will be fun...i can buy these things and get away with it...then go home and not listen to Jared ask where they will put all the stuff!
Auntie KK,
You could be like my brother and buy the baby a whole piece band set (such as drums, keyboard, guitar & microphone) and love the fact he'll make great loud music after you leave and Jared and Amanda have to deal with the consequences. Now thats a great gift and just another idea for you!
Jenn & I are here for you to bounce questions off of whenever you have them. Great Job Guys!
jared....a question....jared doesn't ask questions jay....
Oxana and I are here to answer more in-depth questions than the ponticellis could even handle. Congratulations on the young paduan learner.
Aunt Jan and the rest of my clan want to congratulate both of you.
This is very exciting. You better learn how to change diapers. The little wee wee shoots a lot faster than you think.
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