On Sunday morning, we took a ride out to Camp Greenlaw to visit Cindy and Dana on China Lake. Callum went on his first boat ride! It wasnt on a speed-boat--dont worry Nannie--it was on one of those "party barge" things . . .kind of like a pontoon boat. Aunt Cindy absolutely LOVES Callum to death, really enjoys taking care of Callum whenever we get together. As you can see, Callum enjoyed her company too, as he slept for the whole boat ride. The water was VERY choppy, actually, and the lake had some white-caps from all the wind. It would have been a great day for sailing! The momentum from the boat put him right to sleep (that what she said!)

I love this picture of Amanda--I think she is absolutely radiant and beautiful. Since she is smiling, she was most likely looking at Callum, and not me. We just love going out to camp, whenever can find the time to do so. Its such a beautiful place, in such a beautiful spot. They are always telling us to come out and spend a night, and I always love falling asleep by the water, listening to the loons and everything . . .

In honor of Callum's first trip to the lake, he wore a special outfit: a "little turtle" overall set. He looked ridiculously cute in it, if I do say so myself. I never thought I could actually be excited about baby clothes . . .

"All that fresh air has made me soooooooo sleepy!"
(which means he is yawning, not crying, in this photo)

Later that afternoon, Jon and Mel came over for supper and to see Callum, since they hadnt seen him in a few weeks. Below, Jon and Callum gear up for a staring contest. Jon won, but only because Callum pooped his pants.

Today we went to Target and got a new tent, since squirrels literally ate holes in our tent last year at Cobscook Bay. It is a bigger tent--it technically sleeps seven. That means we will have room for all Callum's stuff. OR we can put half of Lynne's clothes in our tent if we all go camping. It also has a "Pet Den," just in case Chelsea ever comes camping.
Tomorrow I'll be on the Kennebec on a canoe trip I've been looking forward too. I'll keep you posted . . .
I sure wish my grandson lived closer so we could enjoy as much time with him.... boo hoo.
can't wait for him to come down to the wedding.
he looks so handsome in BLUE!!!
Your family is so beautiful. I like Callum's outfit with the turtle. Kori went through a phase of loving everything turtles. When we went to Bermuda, she bought 20 turtles made out of seashells and gave them all family names. She still has them.
It's funny because when I was at the Last Unicorn this past Friday, I saw this lady walk past us on Silver St. and thought it looked like Amanda, but like her, I was not sure since I have not seen her that much. I came home and mentioned it to MET and then he showed me Jared's comment on his blog. So we were both right!
since you have a new tent why don't you come camping with us at the end of the month \. Kelly and Just and Kranthonthy are coming
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