We had the 2nd annual pig roast at the Hargroves today, but before I quickly describe that, let me tell you about yesterday, which was one of the best days I ever had, simply because I got to be alone with Callum for a few hours . . .just "the guys." We didnt do much . . .in fact, he cried for about a quarter of the time, but when Amanda took Andrea for lunch, I found some precious time (for the first time, in fact) to be "alone" with my son. We are very rarely alone at all--and dont get us wrong, because we love having people over to visit, etc--but it was so nice yesterday. I put him in his car seat, and we went for a little buh-buh ride in the car, stopping for an iced coffee first, and then driving the back country roads of Benton, Clinton, and Canaan Maine, looking for Lake George Regional Park, so we can swim there next week. I drove down roads on which I usually bike (which are beautiful, and I'll have to take pictures on my next ride), listened to the new Coldplay album (which Callum loves), and just drove around. It got me excited for all the times to come when Callum and I can do just father and son "stuff" like hiking, camping, catch, and whatever else we can find to do together. So that's all. Just wanted to share that.
And here he is, during the rare but wonderful times when he falls asleep in "my" arms. Sorry about the shirtless shot. I hope you didnt just eat . . .

Oh yeah, so the pig roast. It was at Jesse's moms, which is right down the road. She has THE most beautiful home/land ever, owning about 88 acres of very well landscaped nooks and crannies. And a great pool/deck/patio. Below, the Hargroves soak up the sun, while baby Aiden seems to be interested in his dad's "parts" below.

Amanda and Ciara, who could easily pass as sisters, catch up with each other. Not only do Ciara and Amanda LOOK alike, but also they are both in love with me, and both have a degree in music (Ciara is a voice major and now teaches music)

Callum really made the most of the afternoon at the pig roast and pool party . . .

But, when we got home, he was ALL business . . .
It looks like he got bigger in the one week which I had seen him, so cute. He likes to sing like his dad.
dear callum
we were in Maine this weekend and called daddy twice but he always had a reason not to see us.
Oh well, we tried
I can't believe how much Jared and Ortiz look alike! Now here comes Callum. OMG I love this baby!
If that's you Kritin, you call call me anytime and you can see my babies or just me and Bob if you want. We ALWAYS answer our phone and would love to see you and Anthony!
at least June wants to see us....
Hey Jared and Amanda! I tried calling you guys today, too, but there was no answer. Apparently, Kristin, they are pretty popular people...they'll have to hire a secretary so we can make appointments to see them. :) Chris and I miss you guys!
Hi Aunt June, the only reason Jared, Callum, and I look alike is that we are all BALD. Have a good summer.Maybe Jared will call all of us if he has a QUESTION!!!!!!!!
The reason Callum is crying in that last picture is b/c you are making him wear a Red Sox outfit.
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