So the Goldsmith household has been quite the busy place during the last week or so. The Ponticelli's arrived last Friday afternoon, to stay for the weekend, give us a chance to see JJ, visit, and meet little Stu. It was a great weekend--although, for whatever reason, we took absolutely no pictures. Well, I did take this one, of little JJ (my Godson) playing his Godfather's keyboard. I can't remember what he was playing--it was either "Chippy Surprise Rhapsody" or "Chicky Bird Oop Rock." We did have a great time though, ate great food (bbq at home, and seafood at Gov's), went for a walk, played wiffleball, ate Amanda's homemade mint chocolate chip ice cream, said "WHA HAPPENED??" 467 times (inside joke), and topped everything off by going out to Camp Greenlaw, where "Dana the pirate" lett JJ drive the boat (well, in exchange for all JJ's cheese curls). A beautiful day indeed!

We were fortunate enough to have Celeste and Amanda Lapointe stop by for a nice visit on Sunday afternoon! Amanda is a former student of mine who is starting her junior year at Salem State College--she is a great kid, and I am really proud of her for her hard work in succeeding both in her classes and on the basketball court at college. They brought Callum a WALL-E shirt, which is really cute. Celeste also happens to be my dental hygienist, so that is cool too! The Lapointes are great people who were kind enough to take Amanda (mine) and I to see James Taylor a couple of summers ago. I'll also give a plug for Stan Lapointe's restaurant (The Pointe Afta) in Winslow--a true sports bar with great beer on tap and fantastic burgers! Its also been known to be a "watering hole" for certain WHS faculty . . .

And here is a little video from this morning. Callum continues to surprise us each day with all the different things he does. Being almost 6 WEEKS OLD!!! he is starting to show more expression, and he is starting to make unique noises and sighs. Adorable. He is even starting to mimic certain things--when Amanda or I stick our tongues out at him, he reciprocates. Its kind of amazing to us. My favorite thing in the world has to be when I am able to put Callum to sleep--he seems to love my shoulder, since it is big and broad enough to lay his head down (none of the Willards have any shoulders, so I have the advantage there!) He absolutely LOVES music, and you should see the magical effect it has on him--it puts him right asleep. His favorite artists are, of course, Jared Goldsmith, Coldplay, and Frank Sinatra. He actually loves the new Coldplay album, and there is one particular song--"Death and all his friends"--which works like a drug. What a pretty title for a song by which a baby falls asleep!
Maybe he is going to be a rockette?
Nannie is crying,,,,,,,
he smiles and moves around he is so cute and big.
i can't wait to see him again.
That's great that you got to see Celeste and Amanda! Amanda looks as though she's doing well - congrats to her. Callum looks very comfy with the two of them!
What a wonderful video. I loved it when he smiled and laughed!
Barbara and I loved the video, more, more,more.
I agree, more videos please!! He is really cute! Very animated for only 5 weeks. I didnt think babies that young smiled that early?? Im impressed!
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