The many faces of Callum Stuart: Here is one. Or, is this MY baby picture? OOPS! Can't tell. Poor kid . . .it appears, for the time being, he looks like his father. Although, sometimes we call him Little Hank, since he shows mannerisms, sounds, and faces akin to his Papa. What I'd like to know is this: what the heck is he looking at??
On Saturday afternoon, we went to Springpond for dinner--George made salmon that was otherworldly--it was Wild Sockeye Salmon, and it was delicious. We also had some kind of French potato dish and stir fried tomatoes. And we watched the offensively lacking Red Sox drop yet another one to the Yankees. Here, Callum shares a brief moment with his grandpop before he pooped himself.
Today, it was off to the Thurstons, who had us over for brunch. M-S made a couple of fantastic quiches and egg bakes, and we got to meet all the people we always read about on Mike's blog, like Tut, Kori, Alex, Burt, Owen, and, of course, Irish Mammie. We felt terrible though, since Mammie was so excited to hold Callum, but Callum reciprocated by fussing for most of the time we were there--even after he ate, and everything. I think, by nature, Callum is a home-body. Below is a BRIEF moment of him not crying. . . haha
We had a great brunch, a great visit, and then a great trip out to "Robie's Farm." Robie, a friend of M-S, lives on a farm in Weeks Mills, that operates as a Bed and Breakfast, working farm, and pottery studio--basically all the things Amanda and I would aspire to do! I got to sit on a REAL Farmall tractor, we saw Belgian Quarter Horses, huge bunnies, bug-eyed cows, lambs, and I bought a beautiful salt-glazed mug from which to drink beer (perhaps the growler of Sheepscott Brewing Wheat Ale Mike gave me )--and Amanda bought a cute little lamb pin. Click on the link "Thurston's blog" to see a much more detailed account--and more pictures--of our day!
The big event, for me, however, was feeding my son for the first time . . . .
Yay!!! more photos and stories about Callum. He is such a busy sociable little guy.
He does look just like you in some of the photos.
I can't wait to see the little guy and hold on to him for a while.
I got him his own chair for camping, it come in a bag so he can carry it over his little shoulder next year.....
Maybe I will send Kristie to the wedding in my place and take care of Callum in stead, I think it would be more fun..... We will hve to discuss that with her. What do you think the answer would be!!!!!!
Yay!!! more photos and stories about Callum. He is such a busy sociable little guy.
He does look just like you in some of the photos.
I can't wait to see the little guy and hold on to him for a while.
I got him his own chair for camping, it come in a bag so he can carry it over his little shoulder next year.....
Maybe I will send Kristie to the wedding in my place and take care of Callum in stead, I think it would be more fun..... We will hve to discuss that with her. What do you think the answer would be!!!!!!
You guys look like you had a good weekend! I'd love to go with you and Amanda to the antique store in Fairfield...there's one right across from Cumberland Farms (it's okay), but there's an even nicer one on Route 201 across from the Irving Truck Stop. We should definitely go...maybe sometime this week? I'm a great "baby carrier" for those parents who like to shop. ;) Talk to you soon! (Make sure you check out the video I put up of Emerson - I love to listen to him talk!)
Where did you find that picture of me on the tractor? I've been looking for those shorts!
I just want to kiss those little cheeks! Wow, I forgot I will get to do that in two weeks!!!!! Can't wait.
Was Kevin Youke at your house feeding Stewie? He finally ate from a bottle, how did he do, he looks very content. Can't wait to see him!!!
I think Callum looks very happy sitting w/ his grandpop. I love that picture. And I have to say yes Callum looks like Jared but he also looks a lot like Amanda and Jon when they were babies. Looking at the pictures is like looking back in time at Jon's baby pictures.
Amanda panda you look fabulous!!!!
Callum looks just like Jared, I know this because Im actually older than Jared, when he was born I went to live with ET for 2 years.
Can't wait to feed the little Callumbum this weekend!!!!!
Try to remember who blazed this trail of blogs
advantage: random digressions
Jared - I posted a comment to your comment on Emerson's video on my blog. Check it out - you guys are invited to Chris's birthday party! be honest..."My Oyster" was the Daniel Boone of this mode of communication.
blah, blah, blah, blah.......
I forgot to tell you how much I love that picture of Grandpop and Callum. George is so cute! Just like Callum. Perhaps he will like to fix cars and work on computers like his grandpop and Uncle Jon.
or maybe he'll be into writing, music, singing, and comedy like his dad
maybe callum will just be his own person and have his own interests
OR maybe Callum will be extra-talented and do all of those things!
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