Wedding bells, that is. This afternoon we went over to Michelle's parent's house in Benton to celebrate Chris's birthday--and we did it in style. Note the "princess" theme Michelle had picked out for little Chrissy. The plates, napkins, table cloth, and gifts all fell under the rubric of "princess." Cute. While at the birthday festivities, we all discussed Chris and Michelle's wedding, which is going to be on November 15 (of this year!!). It looks like they've picked out a beautiful place in the Rangeley Lakes area, and Amanda and I are both honored to say that we've been asked to be in the wedding party. What's more, is that Michelle and Chris have asked me to both write and perform an original song for the ceremony--I have to say I am truly flattered and blessed to be able to do this for them. I'm thinking something circa 90's hip hop . . .maybe sampling some "Debarge" or "The Jets" as my back-beat, rollin' soft on the edges with a little snap of funk nasty on the base-line. . . .infuse it with the synthetic high-hat and you KNOW this track is gonna have it goin' on wit silly, fresh droppage.
Or, I'll just use my keyboard.
Pictured below, going clockwise (starting where the "7" would be) are Michelle's brother Pete, Michelle, her sister Melissa, Ms. Amanda, Milan and Jane Babik (with Kylian in the sling Jane is wearing), Chris the birthday boy, and Pete's girlfriend Katie. Michelle's grandmother is sitting in the upper right hand corner.

Barbara, Michelle's mom, started off the gift giving by presenting Chris with a stunning rhinestone tiara and some cutey-patootey earrings.

One of the many "gifts" Chris got was a "My Little Pony" birthday play set. As you can see, Melissa and Amanda channelled their past, pre-pubescent lives by playing with said pony, dressing her up, and getting her ready for a date with the big brown Belgian Quarter Horse, who will most likely deflower her. Milan looks on, attentively.

A very good time indeed. And Callum got to see his good friend Kylian, with whom he shares a special bond--if you remember, Callum and Kylian were born two days apart, and shared rooms right across the hall from one another at Thayer Hospital. I can't believe Callum is 8 weeks old!!! His latest thing is that he is further exploring the processes of vowel sounds, this week stopping briefly on the "o's." Lately, we call him our "Little Owl," since he goes "Hoo . . .Hoo . . .Hoo . . ." all day long.
One more week of summer vacation and then I start year 5 at WHS . . .I'm sure I'll be writing about that soon . . .
Hi guys! We had so much fun with you yesterday, and we're very excited to have you with us in our wedding party. It's going to be a great weekend! Where this is the last week before school (GASP!), do you guys want to get together sometime this week for dinner? Hope to see you soon!
P.S. Jared - we need help picking out a wedding song. Do you have any ideas? We want something classy - not cheesy or overstated. Help!
Um, I think Callum is 9 weeks old if my math is correct thier buddy..... June 14th to August 16th is 9 weeks.
I should know this becasue I am his "Nannie"!!!
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