The Acadia Park Loop road . . .

Pretty good deal: two days of school, and then we get a long weekend. I met with all my classes yesterday, and they seem great. But in two weeks, when the "honeymoon" is over, we'll see how it goes! Yesterday Amanda and I went to Governor's for dinner, since we hadnt been there for a long time. Today we've just been hanging around, since Callum is napping so much today. As I write this, his mommy is feeding him while, at the same time, reading "Decaffeinated Corpse," which is one of her "junky coffee house mysteries" that she refers to often.
I went over to Mathieu's cycle this morning to have Dave look at my bike, since I think on Monday Jonathan and I are going to ride the 28 mile park loop road in Acadia National Park. That should be great! It was making some weird noises in the front tire, but I think all is okay now. In a little bit Amanda, Callum, and I will probably take a ride to B&F Vegetables to get some corn for tomorrow, since, tomorrow morning, we are going up to Mt Desert Island for a little "getaway." Its me, Sally, Callum, Lynne, George, Jon, and grandpop, and we're renting a cabin for just a night. It should be a nice little retreat, and it will be Callum's first trip to Acadia National Park. Two definite stops will be Rosalie's Pizza, and the Jordan Pond House, so Amanda and her mom, who are reincarnated 88 year old British women from Victorian England, can get their "tea and popovers" by the pond. Which reminds me Thurston: are we still on for the Harvard-Yale game this fall? I've been working on my "ooooooooooooooohhhhhhhhhhh dear" in my best London Drawl.
I am off to go play with the little man now, who is finally done eating. We'll most likely get on his mat, and practice rolling over; maybe we'll work on our vowel sounds too! Its just a lazy day of hanging out with my family, and I couldnt ask for anything more!
Right... Sarah the moose-stew loving, gay bashing, creationism-spouting, pro-life hunter who wants to open her home state to oil drilling. So not hot!
Whoops... since writing this blog we've found out that Mel is also coming on our trip. Sorry, Mel - we weren't sure if you were going north or not!
Have a good time...your trip sounds fun!
anonymous, why do you hate women?
Would you possibly have any mints for me?
What was McCain thinking?!?!
OK..ummm I'll try it this way....
Could I PLEASE have a mint?
You should definitely go to the Harvard-Yale game!
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