Here is a picture of Callum with Gramps. Callum and I took refuge at Grammie/Ya Ya and Gramps house while Jared was partying with his boys last weekend. Here, Gramps is showing Callum around the 'back 40'. Callum really loves trees. When I take him for walks, he likes it when we walk under trees that hang really low. He especially likes maples and trees that have berries. He is an outdoor enthusiast already.
We think he is going to roll over soon. He digs his heels into the floor, pushes his lower body off the floor and tries to turn it to the side. How exciting! He has also discovered his hands and he likes to put them together and then stick them in his mouth. He has also started sucking his thumb. He is such a good boy -- he can now put himself to sleep by sucking on his thumb. Just this morning, he woke up at about 3 am, fussed for a minute, found his thumb and went back to sleep for 3 more hours.
I love this kids smile. Here he is playing with Daddy on the living room floor.
What a good natured little boy, he takes after his parents. He is changing so fast, I can't wait to hold him again.
yes, callum has a busy and exciting couple of weeks ahead. . . mt. desert this weekend, he is going to be getting a visit from his auntie kk, uncle twon, and nannie soon . . .and his papa and gg will be coming up to maine. he will be going apple picking, going for hikes, and more. he cant wait to see his grandparents!
I always enjoy your blogs Amanda. Callum is so adorable & I love his little frog jumper. I'm glad your getting to spend some quality mommy & son time before you go back to work. Enjoy the next two weeks!!!!!
I loved your pictures, Amanda, especially the one of Callum laughing. Enjoy the rest of your time off...
hmmm . . interesting . . .jared writes like 5 blogs about callum and belle doesnt comment anything . . .and then amanda writes one and belle comments . . .
belle, you're giving me a complex. and you dont return my emails either. why you be hatin'?
Relax Jared, I'll be replying to your email this weekend. Belle has been very, very, very busy this week, actually ever since I returned from Maine. Lots going on at work, with my car & everything we need to do before the start of Kindergarten next week.
Hey guys...thanks for your posts on our blog - and Amanda, thank you so much for your suggestions about other places to shop. That'll help a lot! Mom and I are headed out today to put the final touches on the centerpieces. Have a great time this weekend!
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