The beginning of the school year is a love/hate relationship for me. I love the excitement of meeting my students, teaching again, getting into the routine, seeing my colleagues. and being creative. But I hate the logistical stuff involved with the beginning of the year--the duty schedule (that changed bi-hourly), the add/drops, the speeches about how we can always improve what we're doing, the "plate" which always seems to become more full, etc. Oh well. In a couple of weeks, I'll be into the groove. Here are some wonderful pictures of Callum (well, we think they are awesome . . .like $900 dollar camera awesome!) Since we havent had our camera for a week, Michelle gave us a CD with some photos on them. The first one has become my favorite one of all time . . .(remember, you can click on the photo to enlarge it)

Either he is starting to teethe a bit, or he is infatuated with the discovery of his hand . . .but we can't keep it out of his mouth! Dr. Murray James assures us this is normal--and hilarious! But he still manages to crack a smile at his old man . . . (by the way, I swear he doesnt spend all day in this seat . . .it seems every picture is taken in this seat! Its just that when he is IN the seat, we dont have to hold him, and we are free to take pictures, play, etc.)
"You wont give me my bath yet? Well, here's what I think of you!"
And, for the first time on film, the one and only . . ."The Pout."
Callum HATES getting out of the bath . . .he would stay in there all day!

Callum, Nannie can't wait to see you, only two more weeks, then i get to squeeze those chubby cheeks and hold my boy.
you are getting so big and so CUTE.
I love that POUT!!!
Nannie says,
Hey do we all notice too that Callum has his first MOOSE shirt on, he is representing his state of Maine.
How cute is he.......
We want a picture of Callum in his National Plate Glass shirt.
Does Callum's seat have a permanent bum cheek impression?
We love that pout,he is so adorable. Barbara and I think thathe looks just like Jared in that picture when the prime rib bone is taken away. The MOOSE is on the loose.
Daddy- I want to go visit Cousin Chelsea this weekend. Please put me on the bus with my little seat.
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