On Saturday, Nannie came up by herself to visit with Callum, and they had lots of fun reading books about Christmas, eating, and jumparooing. See the hand to the left of Nannie? That's Amanda's. I didnt know SHE liked to read too!
There's a really cute picture of Callum putting a Starbuck's ornament in his mouth, but I opted to put this one on the blog. He was really into the lights of the tree and the reflections of the ornaments. We'll go cut our tree next Saturday, and we know he'll really enjoy it! 
Forever at the Kid's Table: Fine with me. From left to right are:Amanda, my cousin Tina, my cousin Kelly, Kelly's boyfriend Mini-Me, my cousin Richie, and his wife Jen. I hope I never leave the kids table. I brought Callum over to the adult's table to visit his aunts, and overheard them talking about things like pocketbooks and stamping parties. All set. MY table was perfectly cool quoting lines from "40 Year Old Virgin," and saying "That's What She Said" after familiar turkey day quips like "wow...what a fantastic stuffing," "I prefer the dark meat," "ooh, I love the gravy all over my stuff," and "more whipped cream please." So yeah. 
And Callum REALLY loved cuddling with his Papa. Papa has those nice soft shoulders....
And Callum REALLY loved cuddling with his Papa. Papa has those nice soft shoulders....
After this weekend, Papa has aptly nicknamed Callum "Jumpin Jack Flash," since all Callum wants to do is jump, jump, jump. Since Callum is already gearing up for Annapolis, and ultimately the SEALS, he is already putting into practice the strategy of sleeping with "one eye open." And its a good thing....Auntie Kristin was about to give him a big wet kiss!

Living up to his name: Callum jumps around on Papa's lap, smiling and laughing all the while! In the background, Amanda, Anthony, and Kris watch the parade. Speaking of which: I could do a whole blog on just the parade! Maybe I will. Where else can you see Miley Cyrus, a lip-synching bunch of Jonas Brothers, a chemically preserved Andy Williams, a smurf, AND Rick Astley "rickrolling" the crap out of the "Home for Imaginary Friends?" Did anyone see that?
Living up to his name: Callum jumps around on Papa's lap, smiling and laughing all the while! In the background, Amanda, Anthony, and Kris watch the parade. Speaking of which: I could do a whole blog on just the parade! Maybe I will. Where else can you see Miley Cyrus, a lip-synching bunch of Jonas Brothers, a chemically preserved Andy Williams, a smurf, AND Rick Astley "rickrolling" the crap out of the "Home for Imaginary Friends?" Did anyone see that?
It looks like you guys had a great time...Callum - as always - is absolutely adorable!
Nannie said she LOVES LOVES LOVES Callum,, I enjoyed him all to myself on Saturday, it was worth the ride back and forth again to CT to hang out with my kiddies and my grandson.
Callum loved all 1200 lights on the Favry tree, kind of like National Lampoons Xmas Vacation. quite a site to see.
I was so happy I got to hang out with him. I even got to enjoy him laughing out loud for me.
Nannie also says, if you blow up the photos of me and Callum at the tree, you can also see the other photo on the tree of my little Grand Doggie Ms. Chelsea Munroe Favry,, so I got to have two for one photos of me and the grandkids at the xmas tree.....
You're right Jared.
Holiday is here.
I liked teaching Callum the gobble gobble song. It was a fun weekend. Even Chelsea learned to love Little Callum by the end!!!
So we went to babies r us today to register and we might have picked up the Elmo Pizza Pie for Callum, thank us later.
U left your saran wrap and plastic cup in the bathroom....
Bring back the drama.
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