We hosted dinner at our house this afternoon for Lynne, George, Ensign Walters, Jon, Mel, and the New Jersey people. Except for Steve, who sat alone at a bar and watched a football game that was on at our house anyway. We got home from church this morning, and the house just smelled SO GOOD--I was making my special pulled pork (similar to the one I made for the tailgate yesterday). I tried something different: I marinated the shoulder butt roast overnight in white vinegar and a little apple cider. Then I "rubbed" the roast with black peeper, brown sugar, and ground mustard. I slow cooked it for 7 hours, and this was all BEFORE I even thought about opening up a jar of BBQ sauce. I think it came out delicious, actually. And people seemed to agree. We also had delicious mashed potatoes made by Sally, 4 feet of clam dip made by Mel, George's special cheese and cracker spread, and some homemade pesto sauce I had made this summer and then frozen (we spread that on a cracker). Judging from everyone's appearance, people enjoyed....
We had eleven people over for dinner today, and we just brought up the card table from the den downstairs, and we set it up. Everyone fit comfortably, which is great, since I always feel like our house is way too small. But maybe this means we can host some bigger Christmas dinners for when the Massachussians and Conneticans come up.
Five year old Emma finally got her turn in holding her second cousin Callum (I had to smuggle her away from the grandparents and great aunts and uncles...haha) She's a natural....

And then a shot of Emma, me, Amanda, and Callum. This is what our family would look like if we had two kids, huh? OH MY STARS!!!!! my mom is saying aloud in her "Kren" as she reads this...
Oh well. Wait a few years. Maybe we'll have a girl. 
Callum looks like a too-cool-to-drool jazz trumpeter, resting between sets. His mommy bought him these little "cat" sunglasses in Freeport on Friday, and Callum LOVES wearing them. And Uncle Jonathan loves them too, since the two of them can be twins when he wears his!

Oh....wait....I thought I was at home, visiting with family......NOT at school....dealing with kids and their cell phones.....haha
Callum looks like a too-cool-to-drool jazz trumpeter, resting between sets. His mommy bought him these little "cat" sunglasses in Freeport on Friday, and Callum LOVES wearing them. And Uncle Jonathan loves them too, since the two of them can be twins when he wears his!
Oh....wait....I thought I was at home, visiting with family......NOT at school....dealing with kids and their cell phones.....haha
Except for the fact that there is something actually homemade on the table, this photo could easily be taken at the WHS cafe.
Aunt June and Uncle Bob are obviously very "textually active."
Um.... I don't think that all of the New Jersey people are up yet. Some of the Jersey people don't have 900 days of vacation. the rest of us should be up around 3am Wednesday morning.
3 am!?! Drive safely guys! Hopefully at that time of night/morning you won't hit much traffic.
I don't have 900 hours of vacation either.
hahahahaha, yes, there was a lot of clam dip, which is why we'll be eating it all week!
Boy that pilled pork sounds delish.Callum looks so cool with his sunglasses and his triple chin.
ORTIZ.........THE PILLED (???)
lol.this from Jared who's quick to point out he's a teacher and always criticizing everyone's typos!!!!!
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