Well, tomorrow is election day across this great nation, and I have to say I'm really happy about it--for two reasons. First of all, tomorrow will end the eight year tyranny that has been the dictatorship of George W. Bush. Second, the election will be over, and with it the ads, signs, and other hoopla that goes along with it.
Is there such a thing as "Campaign Sign Pollution?" The campaign sign, if you think about it, is itself inherently hilarious and pointless at the same time. There's a section of Waterville (I driver through there on my way home from school) that I call "sign alley." Its a one way street with a grassy shoulder, and its COMPLETELY polluted with campaign signs--signs that completely conflict with each other, since they represent all parties and all contenders. What do these accomplish, really? If there's an Obama sign and then a McSame sign, don't they sort of just "cancel out" each other? The same for the hot senate race in Maine between Susan Collins and Tom Allen: what use is it if both of them are there, inches from each other? How is one to decide for whom to vote based on a sign?
I mean no disrespect to anyone who puts campaign signs on their lawn--I really don't. Its just that I find them completely ineffective. People should vote for who they want. That being said, what is the sign doing on your lawn? Are you trying to sway them? Am I going to change my mind and say "well, there are 10 McSame signs and only 2 Obama signs...I feel peer pressure...I'm gonna vote for McSame." Plus, 95% of the people who drive by your house are doing just that--driving by. They dont know you from Adam....so why would they trust your opinion for Obama for president or Susan Collins for Senate? I guess the obvious answer is that people are showing their personal support for a candidate--and that is great. But I just dont see how signs are helpful in getting any candidate elected. I wear both a Phillies hat and a Green Bay Packers cap....but I dont really think anyone is going to look at my hat and say "hmm...I think I'll start watching the Pack!"
I think I'm going to vote for whomever has the fewest campaign signs on the way to the Fairfield community center tomorrow. That is how I'll decide. The fewer the signs, the less the candidate annoys me. There. You have my vote.....
Just kidding.
As an English teacher, I always look for errors in campaign signs, letters, bulletins, etc. Even Barack Obama, who definitely has my vote tomorrow, has an OFFICIAL campaign slogan which is COMPLETELY wrong grammatically
"Change we can believe in"
If the grammar police were out, they'd arrest him for ending a sentence with a preposition. A big no-no. As Winston Churchill said: "There are some things which up with I will not put!"
I'll be glad when the campaign is over because its just so exhausting--even to HEAR about how much these two guys work makes me tired. They both ran terrific campaigns (well, except for one's interesting choice for VP) and they deserve a rest. Although one better rest up fast, since, in a couple of months, he'll be in charge of a severely disabled country
Get out and vote!!
Sorry Jared... I'm voting McCain because he had the most signs.
Just kidding. I am voting McCain though. Will you still love me?
I'm voting for the individual who is all inclusive
I hope Obama gets elected because if he does and we all share the wealth..........we can all quit our jobs and let the "rich" take care of all of us!! Isn't that what the State of Maine (Also known as the welfare state)sets as an example for the rest of the country? Love those Democrats1!!!!
I hear Baldacci and Obama are "Best Buds"!!
Where does the line begin, cause Jared needs to know where to go to get his food stamps, gasoline vouchers and directions to the food pantry to feed his family! Wish you all luck!
Thank you "anonymous", I KNEW things were really good right now!! The economy, wars that won't end, an assault on the bill of rights, dividing the nation any way we can, its all been worth it if good folks like YOU can see how good we REALLY have it!!
I can't wait to sit back and laugh at all the Obama supporters after his first year in office when they are all complaining how nothng has changed and in fact only gotten worse. God help us all! I'm already looking into where I can get my food stamps.
Just a little joke I heard this morning to lighten the mood:
Obama was ahead in the polls because all the McCain supporters were busy at work. :)
sore losers if you ask me.....
anonymous: do you mean sit back and laugh the same way we sat back and laughed at the last president who screwed up the country and had no idea what he was doing? is it kind of like that?
yeah. sore losers. a new day is rising!!!
yeah, I am a "sore" loser because I've been working my ass off all day to help the poeple who voted for Obama
so then go live in a place that isnt a democracy. the people have spoken
and its about time the rich take care of the poor. if i recall, the "poor" or "middle class" just took VERY good care of the rich
(does a multi-billion dollar bailout sound familiar)
I worked my ass off today too. But its the lesser of two evils....I would much rather have my money go to an American (even if they are lazy) than to an Iraqi....
anonymous: i just worked my "ass" off all day to fund a war i dont agree with. so whats the difference. and why wont anyone use their name?
and what's the deal with "taking a shower?" you're not really taking it anywhere, are you?
and when did dessert get so expensive?
oh so Democracy = Welfare?
Here's the thing people:
You all keep hammering on the fact you don't like what has happened in this country the last 4 years but do you people realize that Obama's party has been in control of Congress and the Senate since 2006? If you don't like the way the country has been run the last 2 years you can thank Obama and his party for that. Oh and these are facts, just take a polictical science course or American history class to check it out.
I'm not a sore looser I just don't like socialism and having more of my hard earned money given away to the poor or to those who don't work for a living.
you spelled "looser" wrong.....
Thanks for pointing out my spelling error. I'm sure no one else had made any on this blog.
there's someone who knows what they're talking about
let us remember that Congress is full of democrats who are the ones who do or do not pass certain laws and bills
The average IQ of the readers of this blog can't be higher than 70. Wow.
Well, YOU are reading this blog....
Here we go again!
Obama will need to scramble now...he said tonight, and I quote" Well the time has come for Change and we are ready....... UGHHH it may take longer than the first 12 months or so but"....... DUH!!!! You mean he really didn't have a plan? Figures!!
What exactly are you all going to do when (if) Obama and Congress actually do enact change that blazes a new, better, and more stable path for our country? Who will you blame then?
reply to Anonymous2008:
The operative word is "If"....
If at the end of 4 yrs., I still have a 401k, I have free healthcare, Gays can marry,and Leaders of every Country around the world are all holding hands and eating banana splits around a campfire and joking about how they were all so childishly fighting each other years ago.........I'll give credit where credit is due.....even if it means to Obama.
The list is longer than the few things I just mentioned but I have to go watch the news and see how the stock market plummeted again today! Heard this is the first time in history that the market has done so badly the day after a presidential election!! hmm makes you wonder!
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