One of the upsetting things about the wedding being over is how now I won't see Michelle's family as much...although I'd like to change that, since they're great folks to be around, we have lots in common, and have tons of fun (except I dont think brother Mike enjoys my "thats what she saids" as much as everyone else....). Below is me, along with Michelle's younger brother Pete, who is doing his student teaching at Skowhegan as we speak. Little Pete, Navy Pete, and Beer-Mike are a blast to hang out with, as evidenced by Chris's bachelor party last week. 
The dauntless "Ranger Callum" found this giant "TAMS MONSTER" in his hotel room, and quickly alerted his dad of the impending danger it threatened for the entire family. Luckily, Ranger Callum was able to negotiate the monster's harmless retreat, in exchange for four blocks of cheese and a bottle of Sauza Diablo....
Below, Callum poses with the monster....
Little C also caught up on his light reading, checking out the poetry of Sandra Boynton in "The Belly Button Book." He later tried to put the entire book in his mouth....
Before we left for Rangeley, we put together an early Christmas present from Nannie: A Jumparoo!!! Callum seems to really love bouncing around in his little seat, and he's totally engaged in playing with all his new "rainforest friends" that hover above him and beside him on the Jumparoo. Furthermore, he enjoys dancing while in his little seat, and I'll have to post a video of him getting down to "the Boss."
Nannie is so happy that the Callum Man loves his new jumperoo, he looks so happy in it, good choice.
One more week before I get a hold of the little guy.
Can't wait...
Baby Chante has the outfit that Callum man is wearing!!!
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