Every afternoon we play "I'm gonna getchoo!" on the floor of the sewing room. He has me pinned down here. I lost. Oh well. 
Okay. Where does our son get these BEAUTIFUL eyes??
Callum loves his new singing doggy. Thanks Nannie!
One of the best jobs I ever had was as a guide for fourteen 25 year old female Swiss exchange students. My friend Seth and I "chaperoned" this trip to Acadia National Park, and then down to Camden, where we took the girls sailing, for a week, aboard "The Mercantile," a windjammer sailboat. I could write a whole BOOK about those two summers, but suffice to say that we had lots of time to talk while aboard the ship. One afternoon, the subject of "national" stereotypes came up, as we teased the girls about how no European women ever shave their armpits, etc. We wondered what "we" are known for, as Americans, in the "European theater." Their answer, given with the least bit of hesitation, involved three stereotypes:
1. Americans are ALWAYS chewing gum. Every political cartoon depicts us gum-chewing morons
2. We are very, very known for the way we drive while eating fast food sandwiches, and many sitcoms and satirical shows (SNL types) show Americans driving poorly while eating Big Macs
3. We cant handle physical pain, and we pop pills for EVERYTHING!
All good assessments I think. But, just the other day, something dawned on me: We have become a nation of gels. That's right, a nation of gels. When did this happen? When did everything we once knew to be good and effective suddenly become turned into a gel? And what's the deal with this ultra-American notion that, in order for something to be effective, it has to be in a gel form? Seriously!
1. Sneakers: Used to be foam pads. Then air or pumps. Then the advent of "gel" inside sneakers--Asics and Reebok were the first pioneers
2. Shaving: Shaving "cream" is for old-timers. Now, everything is shaving "gel." In fact, the Hanaford in Waterville only sells one type of shaving cream--Barbasol. Everything else is a gel now
3. Soap: Soap-on-a-rope? Nope. All that novelty is gone....replaced by "shower gels." What happened to perfectly good BARS? They are seen as unsanitary. How can SOAP be unsanitary? That's like saying that water is too dry. Now, we squeeze this gel onto stupid loofah things that are germ factories in themselves
4. Food: Johnny Crockett and I used to hike a lot in the White Mountains, and before we left we'd have a Power Bar. But, before my 5K a couple of weeks ago, Dave at Matthieu's cycle recommended this "energy gel." Now even food has become gel. Are we too lazy to chew? Or are we too busy? Or, will food damage the teeth that we clean with......
5. Toothpaste: Nope.....gel! You can't find a lot of "paste" anymore. Gel is obviously more effective. Why? Maybe its because "gel" is more streamlined; it is able to come in smoother and cooler colors....and that is so awesome!!
6. Physical Therapy: Yeah...people still get it. But why go through the hassle when you can just sit back and have....you guessed it.....GEL injected into your knee, elbow, etc. This gel lubricates the joint. Hooray for gel!!
7. Ben Gay: First of all, why is this stuff CALLED this? But I digress. After football practice in high school, I used to put Ben Gay (a white cream) on my sore muscles. Think you can find that any more? Try. Now, its new and improved....as a "fast acting gel." Apparently "gel "is faster than "cream. " I can see sore muscles running away in fear as they see they are going to be rubbed with gel versus cream.
8. Tylenol: We sure to pop pills, dont we? And why take a regular pill or tablet filled with powdered up pain reliever, when you take a "fast acting gel-cap?" Again, is gel really faster
9. And this one REALLY takes the prize....Liquid Plumber: Are you kidding me? Stuff to remove hair and clogged drains??? But seriously, we were having a slow drain a few weeks ago. I went to Hannaford to buy some stuff....and they had the regular old Liquid Plumber.....but then they had the "double action gel." Can someone tell me why our drain de-clogger needs to be gel now? It was working fine before....
What else am I missing here? Its just so funny--in our present day American culture, we seem to have this idea that if something is "gel," then its somehow faster and better and sleeker and smarter. Its very funny to observe.
one of the funniest blogs in a long time.....how do you think of these things?
Jared, you are really gel-ing. What about hair gel, it used to be cream.Callum is so cute, start off every blog with his pictures, no matter what the blog is about.
oh hi. no blog drama please. the karen comment was just an innocent joke. no harm meant. I know who it was and we joke about stuff all the time. all done in good fun. "karen" is a huge fan of the blog and a huge friend of the poster. everyone relax. everything is okay. Karen was merely making fun of something that this "anonymous" character (who hasnt plagued this blog in a while) would say.
okay? now let's all hug it out. and comment on how awesome i am for thinking of all the cool gel things!
Hi Smalls,
This is a funny blog. I've been trying to think of another 'gel' but I haven't had any luck.
Oh, I got one! What about those new 'gel' candles? I prefer regular wax.
Love the picture of Humphries and Callum...it must be good to know that Humphries really likes him.
I thought of something kind of gel-related...they now have gel-pens instead of regular ball-point ones. Air freshners are now made of gels...my sister picked one up for me once, and they were littel gel balls. Strange.
We are a gel-filled world! Looking forward to seeing you guys on Sunday - and maybe Saturday?
Is it safe to come out yet?
I just want everyone to know that besides Callum being the cutest, bestest, most lovable, beautiful boy, Humphries has the BEST wiskers!
I just want everyone to know that besides Callum being the cutest, bestest, most lovable, beautiful boy, Humphries has the BEST wiskers!
welcome to 2009 Michelle
I don't know who the above Karen is - but you should not steal someone else's alter ego. There is only one Karen - and she is me.
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