Q: Why does Callum play with this cat thingy more than anything else in the house lately?
A: Because its not one of his toys....duhh!!!
He loves this thing! I think grandmom gave this to Amanda. We keep it on a bookshelf, and, of course, Callum has found it. 
The Favry's are due any day now to have their first little boy (and our first nephew!). On the (somewhat) eve of Jackson's birth, I put together a quick "wish list" of pleasant thoughts and hopes I have concerning two little cousins spending time together. Geography is our enemy here, but we all hope to do the best we can.....please feel free to add some!!
The Favry's are due any day now to have their first little boy (and our first nephew!). On the (somewhat) eve of Jackson's birth, I put together a quick "wish list" of pleasant thoughts and hopes I have concerning two little cousins spending time together. Geography is our enemy here, but we all hope to do the best we can.....please feel free to add some!!
1. Two little boys to run around Nannie's house around the holidays, eating chocolate something-or-other, and then touching the wall
2. A new audience to which to tell my old jokes that everyone has already heard a million times
3. Constant practical jokes played on Papa Goldsmith (hide his glasses, put whoopie cushions on his chair, put ice cubes in a cup with a hole cut out of the bottom and then hang it above him while Papa sleeps, change all the settings on his computer, etc)
4. The possibility of matching outfits for certain holidays
5. All the cool things about apple picking that we used to love when we were kids can now be passed on to Jackson and Callum
6. a contest to "find last year's turkey carcass" the fastest (this will be done, as tradition, on the morning of Thankgiving)
7. The image of Papa Goldsmith sitting with a six year old and a five year old, surrounded by Shirley Temples, crumpled up napkins, and a huge Pu Pu platter on a table
8. Constant practical jokes played on Nannie (playing "touch the wall" and "how long can I go with my shoes on in the house before Nannie notices")
9. Seeing the two of them in the bath together (every family in America has pictures of their little toddlers in bathtubs with other toddler brothers, sisters, cousins, etc.). Kranthony, I think we'll have to do this one in Maine, for obvious reasons.
10. Taking two little guys out for a canoe trip down the Kennebec or a notable Connecticut river
11. Carrying on perhaps the greatest Goldsmith family tradition: The deep-sea fishing trip. I've done a little math here....when just dad and I go, dad usually packs 12 sandwiches for the day. SOooooo.....if me, dad, Twon, CS, and JR go, then that works out to....um....about 388 sandwiches, a pallet of Pringles, and a keg of Polar seltzers. You should just buy a cow, Papa.
A few more Kris and I thought of:
1) making fried dough with Nannie
2) winning the raffle for carrying Papa's stool in.
3) passing tradition of hiding certain object (such as turnips) in each others houses
4) putting up the Favry Christmas tree
5) Skiing and teaching uncle Jared how to successfully make it down bunny HILL
6) frying your first turkey
7) family vacation where the parents can relax drnking magaritas (amanda) and the boys can terrorize someone elses home
9) camp trips
More to come I'm sure...
Very funny guys, hope about standing in the kitchen will the turkey is getting carved, wiping your ass with pink insulation,standing up and down on the chair, because you have a wedgie, chasing the mice out of the grill and going to Joeseph's to pck out the meat of the day!
Few More..
Taking the boys to NH and showing them were Nannie got locked in the Dunkin Donuts bathroom...
Wearing matching outfits for July 4th
All 4 boys making beer
hiding Papa Bob's remote control or Grammie Goldsmith's calendar
oh you guys are so funny.
what is wrong with my fried dough making.??
my grandkids can always keep their shoes on in my house, they will be able to do a lot more than their parents.....
don't forget to see the WOLFMAN at Clarks Trading Post, that's a MUST!!!!!!
OOPS Forgot to put my name again on the above entry.
maybe my little guys will teach thier nannie how to use the &*(&*(&(* Computer one of these days....
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