I called this post "Playing Around" because the pictures revolve around playing with Callum. And today marked another milestone: I "officially" passed down my first childhood toy to Callum, in the form of a box of Matchbox and Hotwheel cars. He really likes playing with them actually; sure, he puts each one in his mouth to "test it," but then he pushes them across the floor and chases them. I have always been a "saver" of things, and I'm always reticent to throw anything away; I guess I just always had this idea that someday some of my things would be worth a lot of money or something. I have all my old baseball cards, all my old coin collection, my sea shell collection, a bunch of original "Smurf" figures (dad always makes fun of my for that), and I've started saving t-shirts to give to Callum when he's older (Red Sox, Patriots, my old football jersey from high school and rugby jersey from college, etc). But I guess I just wish I saved everything to pass down to him....
1. My comic book collection, with some priceless "Green Lanterns," "Thors," and "Spiderman's."
2. My GI Joe ensemble, as I had tons of soldiers, the "Cobra Twins," the Hovercraft, and the Aircraft Carrier (yeah, I pretty much rocked)
3. He-Men paraphernalia, as I had the actual Castle of Grayskull, Evil Lynne (well, actually I still have Evil Lynne...wah wah wah), Shee-Ra, the Battlecat, Man-at-Arms, Orco, and two types of He-Men (the original, and the one that twisted and punched and then his chest caved in)
4. Star Wars!!! Obviously. I think I still have Luke, Darth, and Admiral Akbar (go figure). But what in the world was I thinking by getting rid of my laser gun, my "Planet Hoth Rebel Base," and all the other figurines I had??!! Never mind Callum...."I" want to play with them again!
Oh yeah, Dad we're going to need the "Beep Beep" for Callum soon. That's a whole other blog....
So we figured I'd take the beep beep cause you don't like a lot of stuff anyway.... Plus you broke my pink sneaker
Any time you and Kristin want to go into the attic, be my guest. Jared I wish you still had that shovel that you rode on, I think Callum would like that. How about your prime rib bone collection?
Awww...very cute blog, Jared! My nephew, Emerson, LOVES playing with my brother's old cars, especially the ambulance. Somehow I don't think that my old Cabbage Patch and Barbie dolls are goign to interest Baby Garner in the near future... :)
Keith's He-man use to beat up my Barbies!
Love, love, love the pictures of Callum! He's sooo...... cute!!!
Belle - I know what you mean...my two brothers had a huge collection of GI Joes AND He-Man, and they would always attack our Barbie mansion. One time they "bombed" Barbie and her friends while they were in their pool. ;)
I think I will take the BEEP BEEP for my house, so there is no complaining, since Nana Courntey is the one who bought that, per my request of course.
so what do you think......
Beep Beep at Nannie Camp.
Ya, Beep Beep at Nannie camp, it will be fun to see Callum push Jackson on it all over the hard wood floors!!!!!!
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