Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! Jared surprised me tonight by making us corned beef and cabbage for dinner. It was delicious -- Jared is such a good cook. Callum and I are very lucky!
Going along with the St. Patrick's Day theme I am reminded of Jared's Guinness glass curse... Every Guinness glass that he has ever had has gotten broken somehow. DH gave him two Guinness glasses and they both broke during Jared's college years. My senior year of college I went to England on an orchestra exchange program. I managed to get two Guinness glasses from a local pub in York. I packed them very carefully in my luggage, brought them back to the US, unharmed. Somehow they have both ended up in pieces on the kitchen floor. Jared does currently have four that I bought him for Christmas two years ago. We'll see how long they last...
In other news, we have changed Siegfried's name. We decided that he just didn't look like a Siegfried and we were having trouble calling him by that name. So, he is now....Humphries.
Humpries? THUMBS UP!
I too did not think he was a Seigfreid. I called him Cigarette, cause Jared smokes so many. In fact, Jared likes all types of butts. Pork Butts, Big Booty Butts, and Ciggy-Butts. oh and Butter too.
That corned beef looks so good! Callum looks adorable in his Irish knit, a fine broth of a boy!Does the cat's new name also come from the program all creatures small and stupid? Wa Wa.
Oh, Ortiz... you're so funny. Wrong British show though...
Humphries actually comes from another British show that we watch, "Are You Being Served??" Mr. Humphries is Jared's favorite character...
ADORABLE..... Love that photo, looks just like his daddy did in the sweater when he wore it.
that will have to be a family tradition that every new kid gets to wear the irish knit sweater.
it was actually made by a women i worked with at Boston Edison, she did a great job.
LOVE IT!!!!!
Corned beef looks good too, Bob and I went out to have our conred beef last nite for supper too.
I didn't get my corned beef.wawa but I will cuz when Jackson is born on March 30th that is going to be what Anthony cooks me for my prize. Callum looks so handsome
I'll probably just call him Humps...
What you gonna do with all those humps?
Love the new name...I thought he could've been a Siegfried, but he's definitely a Mr. Humphries. Good call, Goldsmiths. The sweater is adorable, and I love the matching hat!
I'm even less comfortable with Humphries than I was with Siegfried. I think about you every day Thomas P.
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