We had a great day! Following friend Mike Thurston's current post, I am going to let the pictures do most of the talking. Above is Callum's "Cozy Coupe," which he LOVES playing in at daycare, but, for some reason, is petrified of at his own house.....but here, he warms up to it a bit, trying to put his Thomas the Tank Engine into the gas tank....
Callum and I playing trains and taking a break to close the stove damper....Amanda caught me wearing my new "English countryman" hat. Jay, start your demote engines....

Usually Amanda makes cookies way before Christmas, and then she gives them out as gifts...but this year things snuck up on us so fast that she had to wait until today (Dec 26) to do them. No matter. They were just as good as always....and this year Callum was able to help "stuuh" (Callumish for STIR).

Callum and Mee Mee enjoying a "Mrs. Prindibles" candy apple. These QVC all-star sellers are the biggest apples I have ever seen. I dont like them, but everyone else does!

A scene from Christmas morning, before anyone was up. Everything to the left of the coffee table was for Callum....you can see his Cozy Coupe AND his Thomas the Train Lego set....

I love this picture! This is Callum walking down the stairs, bewildered at the sight that lay before him. I wonder what was going through his head in this picture.....

Making his way over to his "pile." I dont think he knew where to start. Naturally, the first thing he did was go play with Thomas the train....although that was tough because the train was right near the "Coupe," and he was petrified of that car!

He got the hang of unwrapping gifts right away....he is now a pro....

A scene of all the mayhem of Christmas morning! We didnt even start opening our gifts until about 11, since we waited for Callum to go down for a nap....

So now what do we do?
I've missed your blogs Jared. Love the pictures of Callum, he's too cute!
I thought of you guys today, we took the light rail into Camden to the aquarium and I said to ba-ba I really missed your commentary that would have gone along with the ride.
Looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
Now THATS what Christmas should look like!
Wow, it looks like you had a wonderful Christmas!
I thought Callum was a boy's name!! Give the kid a haircut....he looks like a girl!!!
Anonymous, you need a hobby.
Also, for your information, Callum is going to get a haircut this coming Sunday. And we planned it BEFORE you made your stupid comment. However, now I'm thinking that maybe we'll hold off for a while longer, if not for anything but to tick you off. Bye!
Oh,no not the haircut! I love Callum's hair. Aunt June is sad!
anonymous: I will make a deal with you...dont make fun of our kid's hair, and I wont make fun of how cliche and trendy your daughter's name is....
I guess I can wait til Sun.. Ticks me off but not as much as callum will be when he looks at these pictures a few years down the road!!!
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