1. What the hell is happening to the world
2. More stupid liberal crap
3. A true shame
4. Why NOT to go to North Andover
You can decide on your own title...but what follows is a snippet from the Boston Globe today. Seriously, this stuff is so ridiculous, and each year we hear the same mumbo jumbo from all these idiots who somehow get offended by people saying "Merry Christmas" or "Happy Hanukkah" or something. I know a couple of folks (I wont divulge their name of their work...in order to protect them) who arent allowed to have ANY Christmas, Hanukkah, or even Halloween stuff up at work. Instead, it is called "Fall Greetings" and "Winter Festival," and at the end of this "Winter Festival" party, Frosty the Snowman (not Santa) comes to give all the workers a cute little gift. Pathetic. I'm only 31, so I will ask those who are older than me: Has this kind of PC crap been going on for a long time?? Anyway, I hope those who complained dont find themselves the victims of an unfortunate fire........
NORTH ANDOVER, Mass.—An annual "Merry Christmas" sign on a North Andover fire station has been ordered removed.
Town officials told firefighters last week to take down the homemade sign after they said people complained.
Fire Chief William Martineau said Monday that the sign was made by firefighters about 50 years ago and never had been an issue before.
The order comes a week after selectmen voted to allow a menorah display on the town common for only one day instead of all eight days of Hanukkah. They said a new town common policy only allows displays to stay up for one day, no matter what they are.
Town Manager Mark Rees said the town's public buildings should not be displaying things specific to a particular religion.
well, at Jackson's school they are currently learning about the eight days of Hannakuah and after that Kwanza. Then Santa is coming to read stories on Dec 17th...Im for real.
They welcome all kinds.
Perhaps you should enroll Callum in Jackson's class.
Just saying.
oh, well callum went to music school today with his mommy
oh, well callum went to music school this morning with his mommy. there were other mommys there too, and callum played drums.
Why does Auntie KK always have something to say?
Just saying.
Don't get me started on this subject. I think it's wonderful and very interesting to learn about different religions. I'm all for it BUT...... Christmas is my religious holiday and I would really like it if everyone who isn't a Christian would grant me and other Christians the same respect. Christmas is just another way of giving from the heart. We've received a gift from our God and then we pass it along to each other. As for me, I always say Merry Christmas no matter what anyone else says and I think we should be able to express that thought in signs, etc. If we are all celebrating Christmas via gifts, dinners, days off from work, etc., parties etc., why can't we say the words Merry Christmas? I say Happy Hannakuah to my Jewish friends and relatives, and Happy Kwanza when appropriate and it doesn't upset me. Just my opinion.
well, anonymous, that is kind of the point of leaving a comment in the first place: The fact that you have something to say. Is there a problem with what Auntie KK said? I dont see anything. But maybe you do because you are a sociopath anyway.....
enjoy the train......
Hey Annonymous, MERRY XMAS.
I saw you today, did you see me?
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