On Friday night we had our 6th annual Goldsmith Christmas party. We tried an 'adults only' party -- no kids. I think it was good although you can definitely tell we all have children since most people left by 9:30... But we had a great time with everyone. We all need to get together more often I think. That night was also a huge night for Callum, and for Mee Mee and Grampy. It was Callum's FIRST SLEEPOVER!!! He did great. And so did Mee Mee and Grampy :) Hopefully that's the first of many sleepovers. I have to say that I missed Callum TERRIBLY, but it was really wonderful to sleep in past 6 am!

Saturday night Jared and I went to see the Nutcracker while Callum had even more Mee Mee and Grampy time. (Thanks guys!) The Bangor Symphony Orchestra and the Robinson Ballet do a TERRIFFIC job with The Nutcracker Ballet. We would recommend it to anyone. It's one of our favorite things to do during this season. And we can't wait until Callum is old enough to come with us! For dinner we ate at Dysart's Truck Stop in Bangor. Don't knock it until you've been there -- it is AWESOME! Great food, really cool atmosphere, plus you can get a haircut, take a shower, and play arcade games too. But seriously, the food really was great. And we bought some really nice mugs.
On Sunday we took Callum to see Santa Claus in Kringleville.
Okay. Is this the most classic 'picture with Santa' that you've ever seen or what? It makes me laugh and cry at the same time. Why do we do these things to our kids? Eh, it's good for him. He'll look back on this picture and think it is hilarious. I hope. I love how Jared is smiling way over on the left...
After that ordeal Callum was pretty much comatose for the rest of the day. Here are a few pictures I snapped while we all hung out in the living room watching 'aball' (Callumish for football).
Reading a book with Daddy on the couch. He still hasn't quite lost those huge puffy cheeks...
Talking on the phone to either Mee Mee, Papa, Nannie, Grampy, Dada, Mama, Elmo, Ernie, or his pretend grandfather in Portland...
Enjoy the week, everyone!
My poor little guy will be tramatized for ever over Santa,
Looks like Jared enjoyed that one.
Poor Callum.
Kind of looks like Jared did everytime we left him at nursery school. and see Jared you remember those days too.
Hopefully next year he will love Santa.
Poor Callum , that is a classic picture, I haven't seen anybody open his mouth that wide since Jared eating Prime Rib!!
Auntie Kk thinks that is awful, poor callum.
Just wait until you take Jackson next year... I bet you have the same type of picture!
The thing is, Callum LOVES Santa. He loves pictures of Santa, he loves Jared's little Santa figure that dances, and he loves my Santa nutcracker. It's just Santa in person that is terrifying I guess...
That picture of Callum with Santa reminds me of Emma. They could be twins. Don't stress, he will like Santa when he is a little older. Emma does now!!
OH my gosh!!!
That picture with Callum looks just like the face Jared made when Amanda told him I was coming over to spend the night!
Callum is so adorable. Next year he will probably like Santa a whole lot more.
Good one MEE MEE!!!
I liked that, and I bet it was true.
Ha ha ....
Jared still crys when you mention Tiny Tot's Nursery School, so lets hope there is hope for Callum....
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