Yes, I know. Let the demotes, fun, and reverie begin.....I. Love. The. Show. Glee.
Kristin and Anthony introduced us to the show last week down in CT. It should be noted, also, that the Favrys have a tremendous record when it comes to introducing us to shows. They are , for the most part, batting .1000 when it comes to recommendations.....NCIS, The Unit, House, are just some of the shows we've grown to love.
The exception is the movie White Chicks, and the show Dancing with the tards.....
But Glee is great....it is about a high school Glee club....as a teacher, I find it so humorous how all the "social cliques" are represented (and exploited.......and stereotyped). But when you get past that, the show carries a much deeper, much more important and potent message about individuality, love, and friendship.
It is hilarious. And it is a very talentedly (is that a word) cast program. I definitely have a crush on Lea Michelle, and I dont care if the whole world knows.
I promise I am not an 8 year old girl.
Other stars who stop by involve Eve, Kristen Chenoweth, Idina Menzel, and others who are big time on the Broadway (and rock) music circuit.
It is so funny that I love this show, because I have always held a strong disdain for "showtunes" and musicals....and I spent most of my high school career making fun of "PANACHE"--the Oliver Ames Show Choir ensemble.....
You should watch the show...it is on Wednesdays at 9 on Fox. Next week is the season finale....but there is more to come
Also, check out their songs on youtube.
Love to all.......
jared goldsmith likes this
My wife's love for this show has pulled me in, too. Over the Thanksgiving weekend we watched Blues Brothers, and she looked at me and asked how I could possibly make fun of Glee. She has a point.
Jared, it makes all the sense in the world that you'd have a crush on that chick. But so do I.
God...I worry about you.
I'm going to Haverhill over this.
We are no longer back.
JR, when I come to Chicago, we can cuddle up (you, me, Kem Kem, and Theresa) and watch Kurt flex the golden pipes......
Can we get some photos of my little Callum Man up and running here instead.
oops Nannie forgot to put her name on the last comment.
so I will write it again
Can we get some photos of my little Callum man instead of GLEE.
I am so glad you have become a Gleek! :)
your welcome.
oh and I don't watch Dancing with the Stars...
Soon I'll have you hooked to The HIlls and The City on MTV, give it time.
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