Last week, former student and good friend Meryl (who I cannot believe will be a SENIOR next year at college) came by for a summer visit to see the kids. We are always so flattered when my students think of us and make time in their busy schedules to come over and hang for a while! It was Meryl's first time meeting Maira, and as you can see from the picture, Maira was excited to play with Mer'
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Is how Callum says "construction." He is SO into it this summer--from his Bob the Builder shows he gets at the library (and used at Bull Moose) to the big diggers Poppy gets him at Village Toy Shop when we visit to the tractors and dumptruck, etc Grampy bought him to his hotwheels to his big wooden blocks he dumps on the living room floor to make roads and bridges and stages (ya know...for rock concerts...), the kid has the "truck bug" that little boys get. But he is WAY into it. For example, tonight before he went to bed, he HAD to go outside to mix some concrete in his sandbox table....he mixed his sand with water, lamented how he needs a 'concrete pourer truck,' transferred his concrete into a dumptruck, and drove said dumptruck over to the firepit and dumped it in (we settled on the firepit because I would not let him dump it on the lawn like he wanted to!). I will try to post some pics of him playing with his blocks--and perhaps some ones of him 'shooing' Maira away as she tries to get into his business. Constantly.
Last week, former student and good friend Meryl (who I cannot believe will be a SENIOR next year at college) came by for a summer visit to see the kids. We are always so flattered when my students think of us and make time in their busy schedules to come over and hang for a while! It was Meryl's first time meeting Maira, and as you can see from the picture, Maira was excited to play with Mer'
And then, almost immediately, Callum absconded with Meryl to the driveway in order that they might make roads and parking lots for his diggers....(side note: please continue to notice how this kid LIVES in his blue boots....). Callum wasted no time in giving the orders to Meryl, telling her exactly how he wanted the roads, etc....
Side project road building......
And pausing with their favorite diggers for a quick picture before we went inside to have a supper of this Mexican rice dish I made for the first time.....
On the Maira front: This little chica is a D.E.V.I.L. She is standing (leaning on things) now. Constantly. She lifts herself up by leaning on railings, chairs, and even the wall. Today she somehow crawled up two stairs, and then slid on her belly (slowly and controlled) down. She is always. on. the. move. More to come....
Last week, former student and good friend Meryl (who I cannot believe will be a SENIOR next year at college) came by for a summer visit to see the kids. We are always so flattered when my students think of us and make time in their busy schedules to come over and hang for a while! It was Meryl's first time meeting Maira, and as you can see from the picture, Maira was excited to play with Mer'
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Everything you said here is so true. You have described the essence of Callum and Maira to a tee. They are so cute and wonderful and yet in many ways so different. Just love them much!!!!!!
What a great blog!
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