We try to get up to MDI whenever we can. Amanda took off last week and we did a series of little day trips, paddles, rides, and Bobthebuilder viewing parties. We decided to go up to Seawall for just a night. Even being up there for 36 hours is enough to reenergize and focus us. When we are only going for a night, we stay at Seawall Motel, beacause it is our place; we love to camp, but with two kids, it isnt worth it for just one night. This time, Lynne and George came with us for the night, and we had a good time. Part of the fun of going to the island is the ride up--stopping for good coffee (which we didnt even do this time around...)...pranking each other on the cell phones....having Callum ride with his grandparents (which he didnt do this time around...)...listening to WERU Blue Hill community radio. The ride is beautiful. I wish I could persuade my parents to come up to Mount Desert Island. It is only 1.5 hours away from our house...come on! Haha...Oh, here is a picture of my beautiful mother in law.....

It will cost you upwards of eight thousand dollars, Lynne, if you want me to remove this picture (inside joke).
The challenge was all being in one hotel room with two queens (not Jon Willard and Mr Humphries silly....I meant BEDS!). So we put the kids to bed, and then had to be really quiet. Lynne and I read THE CANNING SEASON, which is a book Amanda, Lynne, and I are reading for a book club (Hank, let's do a book together and talk about it!). Amanda looked at a magazine or something. And George looked at the cheese he brought and then stared off into space, reminiscing about playing gigs at the AlJoe and getting hot chicks....

Did we mention the RAIN on the way up Sunday? Crazy rain. But we needed they. Rain on Mount Desert is beautiful...huge fog banks roll in (as you will see in a minute)...the rain and clouds and fog seem to encapsulate and 'close in' the whole island, making everything all cozy. For coffee. But on MONDAY morning, when I was out for my run at 7 in the morning, the fog was burning off to make way for the sun, and it was just glorious--it had harmonious undertones ( Kotsioupolous, 2011).
"Shift Work" was the name of this fishing boat that friends of Vicki and Dave (the owners of Seawall Motel) had 'parked' in their field. Callum was entranced by it, and he thought that maybe WE should get a big fishing boat (like Dana) that he could drive! Please notice the boots...I dont know why we bother even BUYING the kid other shoes. He. Only. Wants. The. Boots.

My two beautiful girls at the motel. Who does Maira look like? Lynne says she looks like Ortiz a bit. Friends say she looks JUST like me or JUST like Amanda. I think she looks like grandmom (great Mee Mee).

At the picnic area at Seawall, this picture doesnt do the view justice; as the sky cleared, huge banks of fog rolled off the tops of the ocean. Stunning breezes and waves and views.
Jared, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS TO ME?? I thought you liked me??? Well, just for that, I am not babysitting this weekend! haha.
I'm trying to remember what caused you to make that face, Mom! I can't remember! I think you were just upset that I was taking your picture :)
We did have a GREAT time and I can't wait to go again. When it gets cooler we will.
I love that picture of Maira and I.
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