My son is so smart. I know every parent says that, but I really think Callum is a very, very bright kid. The other day (and I know the pics arent very good) we put together a 60 piece puzzle his Nannie bought him at a Border's closeout sale when we were down in Mass. It is, like most things in his three year old life, comprised of "diggers." My mom and wife do not believe me, but this was honestly the first jigsaw puzzle I ever put together (and Callum did most of it). Sure, I have done like ten piece things when I was a kid...but this is the real deal. Sixty pieces, for crying out loud. No small feat for a 3 year old dude. Granted, this puzzle probably took a couple of hours spread out over the course of the day, but who cares. In between Bob the Builder, feeding Maira, riding bikes, and changing diapers we went back to the puzzle. That is why I wish I was good at puzzles like is good to have something to go back to. I guess books are like that. But puzzles, more so, because they are more "aggregate," if that makes sense. Plus, you can do them with a community of people. I like that.
The summer is winding down, as I am starting to notice, and I havent written about my "day to day" life of being home with my two kids (well, three days a week when Sally works). It is hard to go out and do anything "big" with the two kiddies, since Maira takes two good naps (one from 830-11 and one from 230 to sometimes 4). So we make due. My day usually consists of getting up, letting Callum watch some MPBN while I give Maira breakfast and get her ready for her nap...then Callum and I usually go outside and ride bikes or have a camp fire or "dig" something...then Maira wakes up and we have lunch...then we have like a two hour block where we can go out to the library, Hillmans, etc...then Maira naps and I usually put in a Bob the Builder so I can have 45 minutes to myself...then Amanda comes home and we spend four hours doing dinner and bed time...haha. But puzzles and books have been big in the Goldsmith household this summer. Both with the kids AND with just Amanda and I. We are actually downgrading our netflix subscription, simply because we hardly watch any TV anymore. We are reading and puzzling a ton. I hope this all pays off when Callum goes to get into the Naval Academy....
Good job Callums. The best part was the phone call I got t work telling me he finished his puzzle and saying to me. "hey Nannie why don't you just stop by on your way home from work so you can see the puzzle I did". Oh how I wish I could Callum!!
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