This has been the summerofthebook for the Goldsmith family--we have all been doing a ton of has been awesome....Amanda and I virtually never turn the television even ON, and it is great....all of us are making more of a concerted effort to get involved with reading and SQUIRTing (super-quiet-uniterrupted-reading-time). Myeah. And although Callum has a level 4 addiction to Bob the Builder VHS tapes, we still spend a good part of each day looking at books. I thought I would post this quick "edition," since one of the purposes of our family blog is to look back at it in 10 years and see what we were doing. It would be nice to be reminded of the books my children loved. Callum is also at the point where, in order to assert his independence, he doesnt want YOU to read to him...but rather he wants to read himself. AND, although he cannot read yet, he has many of his books virtualy memorized. Very cool. Here are Callum's top four most favorite of the summer, and Maira's number one (because, let's face it...all she does is chew on the corners anyway...haha)

Callum has a penchant for holiday books, and we many times read Christmas and Halloween books all during the year. He is like his Auntie KK. But anyway, he picked this out at the library a month or so ago, and the floodgates opened! Now, he gets an Arthur book each week at the library. But he reallllly loved this Halloween one because it had a friendly witch in it....

Probably my favorite on the list, simply because it has some of the most beautiful illustrations I have seen in children's books. Ipcar, a Maine artist, chronicles the night life of the farmer's cat--on one page, you see what only 'we' can see (shadows, etc) and then on the next page, we see it all in full the cat sees it. Callum loves to predict what all the shadowed shapes will be. He has this pretty much memorized. Also, it has a wood stove it in so I love they.

Probably Callum's favorite onthe list. Written by two strung out hippies that you can see on youtube. Great, catchy little story about a cat who steps in fruit and gets his sneakers all kinds of different colors. A catchy song that Callum loves to sing--if you are one of the 4 people who read this blog and you looked at our Rangeley camping pictures, you may have seen Callum and his friend Polly having this read to them by yours truly....

This one is Maira's favorite (and one of Amanda's too). Also by Ipcar. Beautiful and heartwarming illustrations of life on a farm as it relates to the alphabet. Also a thicker carboardy kind of book Maira likes to chew on.

This book is awesome. I picked it out for Callum at the library a few weeks ago...he has renewed it twice since then. The life of a tugboat who has to tow three huge ships into the harbor. Very rich in onomatopoeia, as it describes all the 'hard core' sounds of working the sea. It is amazing what this kid will pick up from our reading of it...randomly, throughout the day, he will just start quoting from it like I quote from the Jerky Boys (yo...Moby Dee....your ride is here OR think I cant pull it?? or tow ropes? TIGHT! or something...)
I love children's books....
Ahhhhhh. Books!! Food for the brain, the soul, and the senses. What would we do without them? I'm sure I can't picture life without them. Amanda used to do the same thing with books, memorize them so she could read to me or herself. It's amazing what their minds do. I hope the Maira likes to read as much as Callum and the rest of us. Callum will be a good roll model for her as she is quite fascinated by him now. I think we should get her started on Nancy Drew and American Girl stories NOW!! It's a good thing you have John C. for all the latest news on children's books.
By the way, my thoughts exactly, Ortiz!!!!
And yes, Jared, I know that I'm supposed to be washing and ironing insead of playing. You know how it is.
nice shout out to the rev. johnnyc, mee mee. Yes, books are awesome. I think we will do more callum-and-maira-reading blogs. And I think Maira will like books, because she only wants whatever Callum has. Maybe people could chime in on THEIR favorite books as children (well, chim in AS YOURSELF but SHARE your favorite children's books...sorry for the ambiguous modifier....)
A couple of my favorites come to mind:
Little Toot by Hardie Gramatky
The Little Engine That Could by Watty Piper
Bobbsey Twins (series) by Laura Lee Hope
I remember reading these in early elementary school when we lived in Ohio.
I loved the following:
The Pokey Little Puppy (don't know who it's by but it's one of those Little Golden Books)
Nancy Drew mysteries - I actally had a notebook where I had listed all the titles with little boxes next to each one. I would check them off as I read them. Yeah, I'm that person.
hey grampy: nothing by douglas gorsline??
Oh my gosh!!! That is sooo funny!!!!
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