Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Callum walks!

I'll let the video speak for itself. But he is SOOOO excited to walk. Like MET commented a couple of posts ago....this kid is a HAM for the camera!! Two days ago, out in the breezeway, he took three steps, and then, about ten minutes later, he took four steps. Today, nothing is holding him back. A historic day for Callum Stuart


Anonymous said...

oh my gosh, LOVE IT!!!! he seems so exited to be walking, it's so cute!!

Dotkins said...

Hi Jared, Amanda and Callum,
Melanie called and insisted I go to your blog today, LOL!
Isn't it exciting? This is the first of several "new" moments!!
He looks so happy!!! And you guys sound excited too!

Nannie said...


LOVE IT,,,,,,

He is so proud of himself.

by the end of the week he will be running....

belle said...

Woo Hoo!!!!! Yay Callum! Nothing will stop him now. Thanks for sharing one of his many first's! Love to you all! xoxoxo

ortiz said...

Horray,that is so cute, nothing will stop him now.good luck chasing him around.

Auntie KK said...

Yay Callum, Now you can run into the bathroom and throw your toys into the toilet.

ps. are you carrying ointment?

aunt june said...

OMG it's just the best, congratulations Callum! You're so cute.

Grammy said...

Little Moo! You are so cute and wonderful! Grammy and Grampy are so proud of you! I can't wait to get home and see you in person and walk with you. Grampy can't wait to take you for a walk in the woods and see the deer. I'm so happy and I LOVE YOU sooooo much!

P Pop said...

Hi Callum,way to go I knew that you could do it.You remind me of a sailor coming back to his boot from liberty.Love you and will see you soon.

P Pop said...

Hi Callum,way to go I knew that you could do it.You remind me of a sailor coming back to his boot from liberty.Love you and will see you soon.

Terry said...

Ummm...did you teach him to walk after you returned from the WHS teacher camping trip? 'Cause thats how you were walking. That chili is good isn't it?

Met said...

Wow. I watched the video with the mute on yesterday, then watched again and listened today. I'm thrilled for the both of you. Its really nothing...but its really everything. Awesome.

echoes said...

Congrats Amanda and Callum. the tube in his mouth the infamous a#& cream you are always talking about? are sick.

billybob said...

Mister C is the MAN!
What an exciting day that must have been for you guys!
I can't wait to see him walk in person. I've probably watched the video clip about 35 or 40 times already

Michelle Garner said...

Hey guys! Just wanted to say that we had a great time visiting with you last week - seeing Callum actually walk in person was so neat! It's hard to believe that he's already over a year old - you guys have done a great job with him!

cc said...

the video is great. I watched it without sound and couldn't wait to get home and watch it with sound. I love when Amanda called him and he said Mama right back. Way to cute and so proud of himself.