Jeesh....I am just realizing that my last post was from almost a week ago. Sorry about that. I guess with school starting, etc. it has been kind of busy and I havent written as much as I want to. Hopefully that will change. I mean, I have to give "anonymous" SOMETHING to do with its life, right?
There has been a lot going on lately with the beginning of school! But this weekend Dad and Barbara came up to visit, and we had a good time! They were already relaxing in the Goldsmith house when Callum and I got home on Friday, and on Friday night I cooked up some great BBQ fish and sausage. Amanda and I have been trying to eat more fish, and on Friday night, I smoked/slow cooked some steelhead trout fillets and some Mako shark steaks on the Weber. Both were delicious, but the trout was off the hook!! Get it? I know I have said this a million times, but my charcoal BBQ is probably the best thing I have purchased in the last year. I am having a blast! I also cooked up some sausages and corn on the cob, which as you can see from the picture below is Callum's new favorite food. Seriously. You can't actually see the corn in his hand, but he LOVES it....he eats a whole ear, and there is nothing left on the cob. It is amazing, actually. And it makes his diaper changes that much more interesting!

On Saturday, it rained all day, due to the passing Hurricane Danny. I wonder who made the decision to call it "Danny" instead of just "Dan." I mean, Danny sounds cuter....did they think this Hurricane was going to be cuter than just a regular "Dan?" Even with the rain, we all had a great time. Papa Goldsmith really wanted to do a lobster bake (which requires no baking, actually), so while CS napped, we headed out to B&F Farmstand to pick up 8 lobsters and 6 pounds of steamers. Jay Ponticelli would have been in crustacean heaven. We then hit up Joseph's (my dad loves Joseph's) for some salads and some sausage to throw in with the clams.

We set up shop in the garage, and it went very well! I set up a table, threw some newspaper on it, and put the good old Coleman Stove on top. We boiled the lobsters out in the garage, and made the steamers (PBR, sausage, and onion= AWESOME) in the house. Then we ate around the table in the garage, since there was no way on God's green earth we were going to devour 8 lobsters in my house....haha. PLus, it was more "rustic" in the garage. Here is my beautiful wife, enjoying her first course of steamed clams. I dont tell her enough just what a wonderful smile she has. So, Amanda, there ya go.....


Should we have a caption contest for the above picture? Callum loves lobsters, and everytime we are in the store, he points to the tanks, yelling "ish, ish ish!" over and over again (anything in the water is a "fish" by the way). But I dont know what he thought of his new friend. He enjoyed some blueberries, cheese, and lots of sausage from the steamer pot....
This is the picture my dad is going to use for when he runs for president of the Lobster Eating Society of New England. Speaking of "president," the only thing missing from my dad's trip up to Maine was a meeting up with his new favorite person--fellow blogger MET. I think my dad derives more entertainment from Thurston's blog than he does cable tv! Ha Ha...

A great visit! And then, this afternoon, we headed over to grammy and grampy's house where I had my "birthday dinner" of burritos. We may have also enjoyed some OPB as well. It was a beautiful day, and I rode my bike over to their house, while Amanda and Callum drove the car. Tomorrow is back to school, and Amanda goes to pick up HER new bike in just three days!!!
Great visit,the food was great.I miss Callum already, he is such a characture.To bad there was'nt a picture of Babs eating in her raincoat making a big mess.
so was it raining in the garage?
POURING actually. Or maybe it was just lobster juice flying everywhere....i couldnt tell....haha
Wowee...Look at the set of chompers on that kid...Good work, C.S.
Seriously - the most photogenic kid of the 21st century. I'm glad your dad enjoys Random Digressions, though it is just my way of keeping track of my own life.
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