Thursday, October 22, 2009

Where have you been?

I remember how when I wrote my graduate school pedagogy (kind of like a "mission statement") I alluded to the fact that I find teaching English so desirable because, in life, people are always asking the question "where are you going?" But with English, language arts, and writing, one can truly explore the question of "where have you been?" It is imperative that, once in a while, we stop, reflect, and ponder the places we've been. These are pictures from about a year ago (give or take a couple of weeks....). So much has happened since last October.....

Callum absolutely loves his cousin Emma! He has her picture in one of his photo albums, and he always walks around carrying it and saying "Emma" over and over again. Back when this picture was taken, Callum didnt know an "Emma" from a Brontosaurus.....but now he is so much more aware of the people in his life. He has a very good memory, and as a testament to this, when he saw his Baa-Baa (great grandfather) for lunch yesterday, he got all excited and INSISTED that Baa-Baa change his diaper, show him the pumpkins, carry him around, etc. And he had not seen his Baa Baa for a couple of months. Also, Callum loves all his grandparents. He associates "ampy" with anything having to do with coffee. And he associates Nanna, Puppa, and mee-mee with anything having to do with the phone....

Look how chubby this kid was....
Looking through pictures from last year, it dawned on me that the Garners are about to celebrate their first wedding anniversary! That year went by fast, huh? This is a picture of Amanda and Michelle at the rehearsal dinner at the lovely bed and breakfast in Rangely. We had such a wonderful time during the whole event planning--from engagement to wedding day. And now, Michelle and Chris have their very own little pumpkin: Reid. We miss getting together with them....

Auntie KK and Uncle Twon came up last Halloween (Anthony and I enjoyed a couple of growlers of OPB while we gave out candy to 300 kids....), and they are planning on bringing Jackson on his "maiden voyage" to Maine THIS Halloween. Callum was a pumpkin last year--a very awkward, fussy, and amorphous pumpkin. This year, he'll be a duck (Amanda is sewing the costume as I write this) and six month old Jackson will be a pirate! Should be pretty neat...especially with the virtual "block party" we have with the Greenlaws in back of us, and, this year, the Shores right where Paul and Lucille used to live.....

My little pumpkin! Callum has started saying his name....when you ask him who he is or what his name is, he responds, with an ear to ear grin, that his name is "Al-man." You have to hear it to truly appreciate it.
I wonder what where we'll be NEXT October..........


Michelle Garner said...

We REALLY miss you guys, too...we keep saying we're going to get together, and then it just never happens. Is that what happens to your social life when you have kids? ;) Chris has next weekend off...maybe lunch?

cc said...

I think it is time for a video so we can hear Callum say these cute things.

Nannie said...

OMG Callum was only 4 1/2 months old in these photos of Halloween, it seemed like he was so much older then.

Hey PISTON you look a LITTLE DIFFERENT now huh.

I get to hear my guys on the phone a lot of time, they are both really funny to listen to.

Callum what are you going to be for Halloween this year, don't forget your pumpkin with your name on it,,, Nannie is still waiting to see a photo of you and cousin Jackson with your matching pumpkins.

Nannie is getting ready for matching xmas outfits too, so excited, I must get shopping.

TIME SURE DOES FLY doesn't it..

belle said...

Awww! Nice post Jared, Emma loves Callum too! She is looking forward to playing with him in just a few short weeks. Of course she love's her Panda and Jared too! She still sings your cokie cokie song :)

Mel said...

Awww, I want to hear him say "Al-man"! how adorable!

Kristin said...

I was pretty fat!!!!

Jackson will sure look diffrent than he did LAST halloween...funny.

smiling is my favorite

aunt june said...

can't wait to see you guys at Thanksgiving. I will need some serious rest by then LOL. We are spending Thanksgiving together this year aren't we??? Since you didn't come down this summer we are all looking forward to a little reunion and spending some quality time with you. Can't wait to see Callum.