Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Standing up for my faith

For those of you who do not know, the people in the state of Maine will go to the polls next week to vote on a number of hot issues, not the least of which is whether to allow gay marriage in Maine. It was legalized, and now, next week, people can vote on whether or not to overturn the decision. Those in favor of preserving "traditional marriage" are asked to vote "Yes" on question 1.

I haven't weighed in on this issue--for a myriad of reasons. However, when my God, my faith, and my religion are repeatedly insulted and disqualified, I become upset. This has been the case with all the propaganda surrounding the ballot question. There is an egregious double standard regarding the supporters and naysayers of this initiative. Those who support gay marriage are tremendously outspoken, almost to the point of assuming their way is the "obvious" way to vote. Yet, those who disagree, seemingly, are called "racists," "bigots," and "hatemongers," to only name a few. When, in fact, the only "hatemonging" I have seen has been done by the supporters of gay marriage--all over Waterville, folks have desecrated the "Yes on 1" signs, kicked them in, spray painted "NO" over the yes, and sprinkled the whole area where the signs reside with "rainbow flags." This is nothing short of terrorism--and, if I may be so bold, a hate crime. There has been no reporting of this in the news, yet I can't even imagine the fallout if the "reverse" group had committed the crime.

Whether one agrees with gay marriage or not (and, whether I agree with it or not) is completely and totally irrelevant. In fact, my biggest complaint about this whole "deal" is that the question is even on the ballot in the first place. If it is true that we live in a democracy where all are entitled to "equal protection," then there really is no reason why this should not be legal. Case closed.

But, as it happens, we do have the opportunity to vote, and many of us are Christian. And many of us are being called, as I wrote before, "hatemongers," "bigots," and "racists." Like I wrote above, the question as to if anyone agrees or disagrees with gay marriage is completely irrelevant. Your opinion doesnt matter, and neither does mine. A decision has already been made, and it has been made by God. Whether I support or don't support the question is of no consequence, since it is not my decision to make. God has already made it. And, as a Christian, I follow God's word.

I am not here proclaiming that I am some "high and mighty" Christian. But I am a Christian. And being a Christian means that I sin. A lot. On a "minutely" basis. I am not some "pure" being--I mean, 94% of the things I say end in "that's what she said." And I have been known to drink a beer. But, as a Christian, I believe in God's forgiveness. FOR ALL. And I believe in God's love. FOR ALL. God does not "hate fags," as some churches (the ones who give Christianity a bad name) would like you to believe. God loves all of us the same, and God treats everyone the same. In God's eyes, a sin is a sin is a sin, and we are all guilty. And God holds us all accountable--from the wife beater to the perpetual liar to the gay marriage participant to the alcoholic.

I do not judge anyone's lifestyle. And I do not presume to know what is "right." I try to love and forgive as many people as I can, like we all should. And I DO try to listen to God. And the question of same sex marriage is not MY decision to make. Like I said: God has decided. I think that at the heart of this whole issue is the selfishness of our human nature--we are so focused on our self and our own happiness and our own whims. But, as a true follower of God, it doesnt matter what "feels right" to is all about Him. There is work involved in resisting temptation and making sacrifices--in all facets of our lives. No one said it was easy.

So, when one calls people like me a racist or a bigot or a hatemonger, what that person is essentially doing is calling my Lord a bigot or a racist or a hatemonger. And I take umbrage to that, and find that just as offensive and disrespectful, arguably, as when the "coin is flipped," and gays feel disrespected for THEIR lifestyle. There cannot be this double standard. Don't assume all Christians are these radical freaks; some of us simply follow God's word. And that is it.

Whether people like to believe it or not, each one of us worships something, and each one of us serves a god--that, obviously, may run the gamut from Jesus to Allah to Rush Limbaugh to Sony Playstation. And I find it completely ironic when leftists discredit the Holy Bible. Whereas I consider the bible the authority on law and morals, others point to the United States Constitution--so don't chastise me for putting my faith in a "document," because you are doing the same thing. And, with all due respect, my "document" is something written by God.....not rich, fat, slave owning white guys.

Please consider what I am saying before leaving the hate-filled comments. This is NOT a judgement call on homosexuals--some VERY close people in my life are gay. This is NOT an endorsement on either side of the voting issue. This is merely my attempt at showing the disparity that exists in this context. And this is my soapbox to stand up for my faith--a faith that has, in the past several months, taken quite a beating.



belle said...

Wow you must really love typing on that mac!

Good blog Jared, and well stated.


You could have thrown a picture of Callum in there just for good measure.

jared said...

sorry. more callum pics coming soon. He has conjunctivitis (sp??) so we will have to put some pics of that! Cute but sad.

I LOVE my mac.. Uncle Bob will have to show me a thing or two over thanksgiving...I hear he is the MAC guru!!

belle said...

Uncle Bob sure is the MAC guru! I'm sure he'll be happy to assist you.

Poor little Callum, hope he gets better. No need to see pic's of the conjunctivitis, I know what it looks like.

I want a MAC!

Anonymous said...

Unknown said...

Cute but sad.

Sounds like my prom night.

j said...

anonymous, (and I am being serious here) I am interested in reading the link you posted...but I can't open it. Can you send it again? THanks!

Uncle Bob said...

jared, I entered the address from anonymous my be an attempt to give your computer a problem. I received the following message when I attempted to access the site from a highly secure Windows Computer. Your Mac is not suseptible to many of the viruses that are used to infect windows computers. You should ask George about this.

There is a problem with this website's security certificate.

The security certificate presented by this website was issued for a different website's address.

Security certificate problems may indicate an attempt to fool you or intercept any data you send to the server.
We recommend that you close this webpage and do not continue to this website.

Anonymous said...

I know that you believe "my "document" is something written by God.....not rich, fat, slave owning white guys." It was, in fact, an oral tradition for hundreds or thousands of years before it was written down by poor and often poorly educated, borderline illiterate, brown people who survived by sheep herding, amongst other things. It was then rewritten numerous times and re-translated (often erroneously) by those rich white guys to suit their own purposes.

echoes said...

The wording in the law, that was repealed, said Civil Marriage. My wife was 5 months pregnant when we were married, a civil ceremony, in a state other than our own. I'm sure our actions were a disgrace to the religious community, yet we never received any criticism or barriers. I'm grateful for the support we received from friends and family. I'm also grateful that the marriage was a personal decision and not left up to the majority consent of the masses and their dogmatic belief in religious scripture. I am however disappointed that when "Defending Freedom" is spoken of in coffee room conversations, it is usually a justification for military action abroad and rarely in advocacy of extending civil liberties at home. Perhaps we as a nation could better serve our democracy, our freedoms and our way of life by standing up for the rights of those we disagree with, than by rationalizing oppression behind a wall of tradition, religion, and fear.

Anonymous said...

Jared is a sick fuck.