Thursday, July 12, 2012

Nannie, Upbob, and sand....

Callum and Maira BOTH love to dig! And, before, they had this little "stand up" kind of sand box 'table' thing....but it definitely wasnt big enough for the Moriartyish construction Callum had in mind. So.....I built him a sandbox on the side of the garage by the woodpile. This has TOTALLY confounded my wood situation (haha) but I will live. While he was at his "Grenda Day" last week, I dug out a huge hole, laid down a tarp, and filled it with approximately 450 pounds of sand. I started putting up 'borders' around it so the sand wouldnt become the lawn (and vice versa). But as you can see, someone was excited to get started with his construction.....

His other favorite thing to do is put all his Agway animals in the sandbox as "statues." Maira, too, loves to dig in the sand. She particularly likes rocks--she just likes to pick them up and then drop them on the ground.

Nannie and Upbob came up to visit last week. One of the gifts they brought up to Callum (and his favorite by far) was a set of little Batman figures. See there is TwoFace, Batman, a penguin, the Joker, "the Governor" (NOTE: Callum DOES NOT call this the 'penguin'--even though this IS the penguin--he maintains that it is the governor). I think because it looks like the "governor" from Governor's Restaurant??? Oh, and then there is the Riddler. Callum is into role playing with his characters. We build forts out of books and boxes. And we create situations. Hey....come to think of it....this is just like Nannie! Nannie LOVES creating situations too! haha....

It was a nice little visit, and we went to Governor's for lunch. Then, we came back and just hung out, trying to find as much shade as we could. Upbob's MS makes the heat really unbearable, so we just tried to relax and drink some of my homemade lemonade!

As you can see: With both Callum and Maira their beachballs from Nannie were a HUGE hit! (Even though it took Upbob and I like 2 hours AND the US Army Corp of Engineers to blow these damn things up....)

Sidenote: Maira is REALLY loving her books lately....she is wicked into them. EVERY morning she brings in books to read while Amanda and I try to relax in bed. Her favorites by far are The BISCUIT series. Also, she (and Buddy as well) LOVE all the SPLAT THE CAT books. And, just like her brother, she is really into the C.ookie Monster penned masterpiece LET'S EAT

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