Tuesday, August 28, 2012


Dont they look good? This was the first harvest of carrots we took from the garden...we may plant some more tomorrow night....we are definitely going to plant more lettuce, cuz them is good. and stuff.

Our tomatoes are about ready to truly explode; SOOOO many flowers, green ones, and half red ones...boy they are really late!! To date (as of last night) Amanda and I have canned 11 quarts of tomatoes, 6 quarts of dill pickles, and 6 quarts of green beans (in Karl's circa 1811 pressure cooker, which was one of the scarier things I have done in my life...haha). I just picked up a bushel of tomatoes at B&F (thirty bucks per bushel) and we will start canning those soon. But the thing we love the most is all the apple sauce we are going to make! We are almost out from last year, and we need/hope to make a TON this year. The kids love it.....

First meet of the season was this past Friday (no pics sorry): The Laliberte Invitational at Cony High in Disgusta. Out of the 24 teams racing, Winslow took fifth overall, and two of our girls were on the podium (top 10 gets on podium). Our premier girl runner, Molli, got second overall. A very hot day, as the race usually is. OUr first--and only--home meet is this Friday....

We missed the Favry family this past weekend! We hope to see them real soon. Amanda and her mom went away to the quilt store down in Freeport. I have been wanting Amanda to make a quilt for years!

Uncle Jon and Aunt Kelsey came by on Sunday and Jon and I enjoyed some Pumpkinhead (I think I have already had my fix for the year, by the way).

And then, yesterday, being it my last day of summer vacation, Amanda and I had longstanding plans to paddle the Lower Kennebec River up in the Forks. I will post on this tomorrow.

School is no OFFICIALLY in session, as today was the first faculty day....freshmen come tomorrow. This year is looking to be one of my toughest--academically anyway--since I have to teach six classes (most ALL teachers I know teach only five) and I have a LOT of kids in my classes....I am nervous about the amount of writing I am going to be able to assign/correct with all these folks! All good kids, but a LOT of them. I will read this post in April and tell myself that I was silly for thinking it would be so tough....haha

AND LASTLY, tonight was Callum's open house for Pre-School....Mrs Marin will be his teacher, and we got to meet her. Callum found his cubby, his coat hook, and his first "assignments." He submitted his vote for the class pet Beta fish (Nemo, he wrote), and checked out the Chrysalis (spelling?? anyone??) in the tank that will soon turn into a butterfly--he wrote down his guess for what color the butterfly would be. He starts preschool on Thursday. I am NOT okay with this!

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