Saturday, August 11, 2012

Meanderings 76

1. Chocolate gum? Why hasnt this been thought of yet? Or maybe it has, and it just never took off. I am just surprised no chocolate gum in the world.

2. This one will piss a lot of people off, but what the hey. In Waterville, there are several 'low income' housing developments and complexes. This is not a judgement against the financially disadvantaged--heck, my mom grew up in 'the projects' in Roxbury and Dorchester. But here's my beef: One thing I notice, constantly, is that these housing complexes have outside contractors taking care of all the 'landcaping' tasks--mowing, trimming, etc. What the heck is with this?? Why do they get free landscaping? This seems like a sure fire way, to me, for individual municipalities to save some money, does it not? From an optimistic point of view, perhaps taking care of their own yards will give the residents a greater feeling of "ownership" over their dwelling. And, from a rational and conservative point of view, why the heck cant I get MY town to mow MY lawn? Or weedwack? Or anything like that. Just seems like a no-brainer to me...

3. If 'you are what you eat,' does that mean in a million years or so that humans will have slowly morphed into cows and that mosquitoes will have slowly morphed into taking on human capabilities? That would be crazy! We become the cows and the mosquitoes become the people? This will also be a better world for the 'new' humans, since they can go out in the summer and not have to worry about mosquitoes anymore. Just saying.

4. Does no one worry about or ask the question: Can mosquitoes give you AIDS? I mean, all logic would tell you that they absolutely can. If a mosquito uses its proboscis to suck the blood out of an AIDS carrier and then, five minutes later, bites me, a non AIDS carrier, cant that mosquito transfer of the AIDS blood to me? It seems to me its just like druggies sharing dirty needles, only insect style...

5. I honestly cannot think of anyone less relevant or meaningless than the Queen of England. After her putrid behavior at the Olympic opening ceremonies (where she didnt even CLAP for her country's team marching in) she has solidified herself as the most dislikeable person on the planet--second only to Dick Cheney. And the people of England are so stupid for putting up with all the royalty is a country, like the rest of the Eurozone, who is feeling the effects of an absolute toiletish economy....yet they continue to support these disgustingly selfish white idiots who drain pound after pound after pound from the country so they can buy new polo sticks, necklaces, and dresses. HOW DARE THEY? The royal family of ENgland is the stupidest thing ever. Except for William. He seems cool.

(left to right: LoonCabin, Winter, Snoopy, Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Sharky, Big Moose)
6. One more thing about the royal family: As anyone who knows history will know, there have been several royal "houses" in Great Britain throughout history--the Stuarts, the Tudors, the Normandys, etc. Now Queen Elizabeth is of the house of "Windsor." Every 'house' got to be in power, usually, through wars and blood, right?? So why does Elizabeth and the rest of those idiots inherently get to be in power, seemingly, forever?? I think it would be wicked cool if some British militia got together and overthrew the house of Windsor in some kind of cool war, beheaded the useless queen, and took over as the 'next' British monarchy. WHY COULDNT OR SHOULDNT THIS HAPPEN? What goes around comes around, and Queen Elizabeth and Prince Charles should watch their backs. Especially in this day and age, where I bet there are some Brits with brains who see how stupid and meaningless this family is.

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