Monday, July 29, 2013

For Sale: Training Wheels!!!

Okay. So I definitely cried for 4 or 5 seconds.......

We are so proud of Callum

Another huge milestone shared symbiotically by parent and child alike....

As a teacher now entering my 13th year of education, I can honestly say this was the easiest thing I have ever taught another 'student.' I took the training wheels off, told him to keep pedaling, gave him a quick push, and, roughly 6 seconds later, he was off.....

Today, I am off to Mathieu's to 'surprise' him by having a kickstand put on his bike. He is IN LOVE with the thought of having a kickstand on his bike!


Nannie said...

WOW Callum good for you......
good job......

Uncle Jon said...

Congrats Little buddy!!!!!! I am so proud of you!! We are going to have to go for a ride soon! And before you know it you will be riding in the woods!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Good job Callum, I remember the day your dad did the same thing.