Saturday, May 31, 2008
Birthdays Rock!!

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
One of these things is not like the other....
Here is Jared with his brand new road bike. I am very proud of him for actually making this purchase. He has been saving money for about a year now, and even though the funds were just sitting on his dresser waiting to be spent on this bike, he still had doubts about buying it. Not because he didn't want the bike, but because he thought we had other things to do that were more important. This is something that I appreciate about Jared - he is very responsible with money and is always putting our family/home needs before his own. I admire this quality, and am also annoyed by it because he literally never buys anything for himself, whether he wants it OR needs it. This was definitely a break through for him. I think he's going to be really happy with this bike. Not to mention the fact that he looks great on it. That's what she said.
Finally, here is the Bean's new dresser, courtesy of Papa Goldsmith and Nannie. This dresser now contains little socks, little pants, little gowns, little blankets and little hats for our baby. It will also serve as a changing table. I am all about things that have multiple functions. That's what she said.
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Meanderings 31: a few brief thoughts . . .
1. Did you ever notice how when you are in any type of business getting personal, face to face, real human customer service, and the phone of the said business rings, you immediately become "second most important" to the idiot on the phone who was too lazy to drive into the business like you did? Do you mind this? I do, and to me, it is "technological cutting." I wouldnt just walk into a store and then cut right in front of the person who is getting waited on, and I certainly wouldnt expect the clerk to reciprocate my rudeness and wait on me. So why is it okay for people to "cut" over the phone? When we moved into our piece of crap apartment when we first moved to Maine, and we had to get a UHaul, I counted the number of times the pasty fat guy behind the desk answered the phone and interrupted my needs: 8 times. He had a half eaten jelly stick on a napkin on the dirty counter, and I remember him getting really mad at the phone because he hadnt even had the time to "eat his breakfast." Poor thing.
2. I should do a future post about the worst jobs one could have, but one that I think really takes the cake (speaking of which) is to work at U-Haul. This job would suck. Think about it: all you do is deal with unhappy, tired, stressed out people who are moving. Is anyone who NEEDS a U-Haul ever in a good mood? I would wager no; renting one of those trucks necessitates a good deal of work and aggravation on the part of the renter, and who is happy about that? Who ENJOYS moving? Even if you are happy about where you are going, the process still sucks. And at the end of the day, do you feel "good" about yourself if you work at U-Haul? Have you made a difference? I feel bad for the people who work there.
3. Twizzlers definitely has the corner of the market on licorice. Think about it: Who else makes licorice that is sold in conventional stores? True, "Panda" makes black licorice in a box, but that is usually sold in health food stores and sections. Why isnt an anti-trust suit brought against the Twizzler corporation? They can do whatever they want, licoricely speaking . . .kind of scary
4. I dont think Einstein would be as revered as one of the smartest people ever to live if he had a name other than Einstein like "Phefferberg," "Jones," or "Klauss." I would wager that 80 to 83 % of his popularity stems from the fact that he has a catchy name that rhymes with itself and lends itself well to teasing other people with: "hey Einstein, arent you going to take the gun off safety first, idiot??" And such and such. True, he was smart, but I wonder if there was a smarter dude with a name like Alex Lixacrotch or something who never really got his due . . . because of his less than fun name . ..
5. Here's a thought: Why are they TV "channels" and Radio "stations?" What is the difference between at station and a channel? A station has more of a "place" feel to it. You can "go" to a station. But you can't "go" to a channel . . .
**For all those in the area/interested, come check out "J.S. and the Nefarious Henchmen" (my side-project band) this Friday at the WHS auditorium at 6:30. I'll be playing drums on some numbers! I'm gonna get those octogonal synthesizer drums and crap . . .
Monday, May 26, 2008
The End of the Weekend
Yesterday, on our way to Agway, we took Kristin and Anthony over to Fort Halifax park in Winslow, as Anthony was in a very "photographic" mood--taking pictures of all the great gardens and flowers that abound our area. I thought Halifax would be enjoyable, since it overlooks the Kennebec River, and I was sure he'd get some great photos. He took this one of Amanda and I, and I have to say that this is probably my favorite picture that exists of the two of us . . .

In between Agway and our paddle, we stopped back at the house so the girls could begin their movie, and so the guys could get everything we needed for the river. Below, the kids sit like good little boys and girls while Uncle Jared gives them some turkey breast from Amanda's left over club sandwich from Governor's . . .
Mel and Jon came by last night and we went for a walk along the same rail trail Twon and I biked. Then Jon and Mel got some pizza, and I built a fire out in the firepit out back. For the remainder of the night, we sat around the pit, taking in the flames, smoke, and sparks. Once again, this fire was "brought to you" by our old breezeway, as I am still burning the old floor--it has paint on it, and I dont dare put it in the woodstove.
This morning I cut the grass, did some edging, helped Amanda pull weeds (even in her 9th month, she is still doing yardwork), and had a two minute visit with the Pelottes, as they dropped by en route to Strong, Maine for a BBQ. They dropped by to give Amanda and I our birthday presents! I got "I Am Legend" on DVD, and Amanda got a hummingbird feeder. Awesome.
Then, I went for a bike ride, discovering some beautiful back country roads off the campus of Colby College. I did about 12 miles or so, and I am only mentioning the distance because I really REALLY am trying to get in shape so, when I pick up my road bike this week, I can start doing much longer rides--and eventually the "Trek Across Maine" and the "Beach to Beacon" bike tours next year . . .which are both for great causes involving lung diseases and cancer.
Grandpop failed to tell us that he was marching in the Oakland Memorial Day Parade this morning, otherwise we would have gone to see him. We did, however, go over for a little Memorial Day Picnic, enjoying Philadelphia style "pork roll" sandwiches, as well as some BBQ chicken, baked beans, salad, and corn.
Starting tomorrow, I am going to guess it could be LITERALLY any day until our son arrives--Amanda is starting to feel a lot of pressure and weird sensations. On a personal note (isnt this whole blog personal notes??) I am very emotionally "on edge" lately as I prepare for my new role as a father. I have no qualms admitting how, as I type this, my eyes are welling up with tears at the process of having my life take on a completely different meaning in a couple of days. Here at goldsmith5.com, its all about honesty . . .haha. Obviously, I see Amanda, in her pregnant glory, on a daily basis. But I think that somehow I become desensitized to the fact that, beneath the basketball shaped stomach that I rub each day, there really is a physical "person" who, although I cannot see him, is nonetheless INCHES away. That completely gets me . . .its like I forget this sometimes. I'm a man of words (sometimes . . .no MOST of the time too many) but, here at 9:23 on Monday night, I just can't think of anything else to say to describe the feeling--the energy, the anticipation, and the raw emotion--that lives in 35 Military Ave at this moment . . .
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Happy Birthday Amanda!
We are "back" on the blog scene AND the internet, as last night Twon hooked up our DSL for us. So, finally, we can do regular blogs . . .
Well, last night (Friday) the Favry family graced us with their presence, and we had a nice little cookout with burgers and dogs from Joseph's meat market. This morning, Amanda made her lovely french toast and scrambled eggs (she wouldnt let me cook her breakfast on her birthday) and Anthony and Chelsea danced together to some jazzy music. . . .
While I cleaned up, Amanda and Anthony talked to Nannie Rouse on speaker phone, while Kristin lay passed out from too much Mimosa . . .
After that, Twon helped me carry in the Bean's new bureau/changing table that Nannie and Papa G. got him for a gift. We put it in his room, which now makes his room fully complete and ready for his arrival. Twon and I then went for a nice little bike ride around the finer points of Fairfield, including the rail trail along the Kennebec River. My new road bike is ready for my test ride, but I will go and pick it up Tuesday most likely. We had a great ride, and the rain held off!
How could we NOT post this picture of sport Jonathan in his wicked hot bike garb. As we drove up Wing's Mills Road on our way to Lynne and George's this afternoon, we actually passed Jon on a huge hill, as he was riding his bike from his place to his parent's. He's training for the Trek Across Maine which will take place in a couple of weeks or so . . .maybe I'll do it next year . . .
Amanda requested George's special "hoagies" for her birthday dinner, and George, once again, outdid himself with a splashing spread of snacks, and a pleasantly pleasing platter of Philadelphia style hoagies. Amanda's cake came from Hillman's Bakery (where else??) and it was a delicious white cake with strawberry filling, topped with a cream cheese frosting. It was great to have Kristin and Anthony over to Springpond to hang out. It was a great day, and we're sad that they're probably leaving tomorrow . . . .
Unless the beautiful birthday girl goes into labor . . . .
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Simply Amazing

Monday, May 19, 2008
Has it been that long??

Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Oh Very Young . . .
Any day now, it could happen . . . .
Anyway, go listen to the song. Its beautiful.
As a father to be, I often daydream about what the bean will be like . . .how will he spend his time? What will he want to do? What will be his dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Of course, I'll let him find his own way, while at the same time trying to introduce him to everything I can. My parents did the same for me, and I am grateful for that.
What did you DO when you were young that, looking back now, you can't believe you ever did?? Little kids like to try all sorts of crap, learn they dont like it (or, in my case, suck at it), and then move on to their true passions.
The lovely and talented Amanda, for example, was on the swim team, and from what I hear was a fierce competitor. Also, she played field hockey for a year (I wish she kept the skirt . . .), soccer (George coached), and softball. It doesnt surprise me . . .Amanda has a very "strong" body athletically speaking. Her shape is well suited for sports and athletics . . .even though she hates that stuff now, and has found her niche playing with an orchestra or conducting an ensemble.
My sister Kristin, the "queen of shopaholic novels," played "shrimp soccer" when she was little, and I believe she did score a goal . . .for the wrong team. I dont remember much, except that her shirt was yellow and that she sucked (dont worry . . .I pick on myself later). In high school, she played field hockey and did, in fact, score a goal for the Tigers. But, meeting her today, you'd never know she ever was into sports. Its just not the person she is.
As for myself, I have distinct memories of crawling, literally, on my hands and knees, across the ASIAF ice rink at Brockton High School when I HAD to have my parents sign me up for ice skating lessons (because my friend Michael Murphy played hockey). It was one of my darker moments, to be honest. I think I lasted two weeks (one lesson per week), and I dont think, in all seriousness, I actually ever MADE it out to the ice to join the rest of the kids . . . I think I pretty much just laid on the ice, unable to get up. my pride damaged beyond repair. Ah, to be young again.
Also: I took Karate for a year (quit, much to the chagrin of my dad), boy scouts for two or three years (ask my mom or sister about how much I loved summer camp), sailing (college team), tee-ball, basketball, piano lessons (one hour . . .and somehow, I can compose music and play in front of crowds), and last but not least, gymnastics (at "Spectrum Gymnastics" to be exact). Mel finds this hilarious for some reason--especially the part about how I used to do the parallel and uneven bars. I guess I find it funny too. Kris, Cha Cha, and Ortiz: Am I leaving anything out?
Signing up for stuff and then quitting it a week later seems to be a rite of passage when you are very young. What will the bean quit? And what will he love? How will he finally find himself?
Do we ever "really" find ourselves?
How about you?
Monday, May 12, 2008
Meanderings 30 (WOW . .. 30 volumes of crap!)
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Ready To Move In (Pretty Much)
Here is another shot of the crib with the little "Choo Choo Express" rug in front of it--it looks like SOMEONE has found their home there. Its so cute--he loves to sleep there in the sunlight. The baby's Nannie bought him all kinds of "Choo Choo Express" room accessories, to go with his train theme.
Some cute little choo choo train curtains, with his little swing below the window . . .
The inside of his little crib, complete with choo choo blanket. Now, we are fully aware that its a big "no no" to have all these animals in the crib while he's in there (actually, it seems like EVERYTHING is a no-no with cribs nowadays . . .I'm surprised they dont just recommend that the baby sleep in a strait jacket on a plywood slab) but its too cute, no? The UNH bear is in there . . .the UMaine bear is probably out working at McDonalds, since that is the only thing UMaine bears can do . . .wah wah wah. Look at the little lamb on the bottom right corner . . .
Our dear friends Sarah and Tim (whom we think might even still be alive, but we're not sure) sent up some awesome stuff for the little guy . . .but these are probably my favorite things of all time. He's got little cowboy boots . . .and little hippie/yuppy clogs! As a male, I rarely get "truly" excited about baby clothes--but these things strike a chord in me. I can't wait for him to wear these. Oh, and look at the little train lamp in the background. And a train bank. Hopefully, he'll like trains, and not dolls, like his daddy . . .
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Cribs (not the MTV version)
Hi everyone. Amanda here.
Grandmom and Grandpop came over tonight to bring the Bean's new crib. Grandpop did a WONDERFUL job on it--he made it from scratch! It is just an absolutely beautiful piece of furniture; something I know that we'll treasure for a really long time. I can't wait to see the Bean in there! But Thomas is a very good substitute...
(no cha cha . . .we PUT Thomas in there. He CANNOT jump into the crib himself)
The crib is really neat. The mattress can be set at 4 different heights, depending on how big our little guy is. Plus the side rails can lower so that it's easier to put the Bean to bed.
I think this is where we finally decided to keep the crib -- underneath the slanted wall. For now this will be good, but we'll probably have to move it once he can stand up and jump :)
Thank you SO much Grandpop and Grandmom. The Bean thanks you too!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
We've graduated!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
4 weeks to go...
We are all set to watch some TV with the Bean! This chair is the coolest thing. It is an infant seat that can recline, sit upright, be stationary or rock. And then it expands as he grows so that even a toddler can use it. Jared and I are all about the things that have multiple uses. I would just hate to have something that gets used for like 3 months and then sits in the garage collecting dust.
And here is the Bean's room so far. Jared has moved his keyboard up there so that he can play music for our little Bean. I put together the swing, which I'm hoping that he'll like. I've heard of a lot of babies recently who do not like the swing, so we'll see. His mattress is just waiting for the crib that Grandpop (or Pee Pop as the Bean will most likely call him) has so lovingly made. It's arriving on Thursday, so I'll be sure to take pictures of it. I saw the one he made for Keith and Donna and I must say that it is an absolutely beautiful piece of furniture. It will be so special to have it as a family heirloom to pass down.
Saturday morning Mom is going to help me put the room together and I am hoping that by Sunday Jared and I will feel mostly ready for the Bean's arrival. Well, as ready as we can be. I am counting down the days until I can finally meet this little person that I've been carrying around for 9 months....
Sunday, May 4, 2008
May 3rd Reflections
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Tonight, a short trip to Minnesota
Last night, we went to Portland with Lynne and George, grabbed dinner at On the Border (a Mexican restaurant) and then went to Babies R Us to look at breast pumps . . .the things that make life worthwhile. We also picked out our bureau/changing table, and its really nice. Then, we got our crib mattress, some crib sheets, covers, and some other misc. stuff that we didnt get at our showers (its amazing to believe, with all the stuff we got, that we still needed things!!)
You should all check out the radio show tonight--its an old fashioned radio variety show, and tonight's guests include Dave Mallett, an arrogant Maine singer/songwriter, and some angry looking Pulitzer Prize winning poet. I shouldnt say those things . . .she could be very good! If nothing else, at least check it out at the end for the "news from Lake Wobegone," where Garrison tells a little anecdote about the "mythical" town he's created. We know Mike and M-S Thurston are heading up . . .and I think we know others who are going . . .we just cant remember who. Talk to you tomorrow!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
What a week . . .
But look at how pretty Amanda looks, with roughly 5 weeks to go until the little man is set to arrive!!
Here is the wood (against the garage, you can see I already stacked about a half a cord . . .).
A year or two ago, these two "crappy things" really would have killed me . . .but I've got to hand it to myself as to how far I've come dealing with this kind of stuff. Shit happens. Can I say shit? I mean, I am still really upset about the chimney, our ruined driveway, and our gouged lawn, but I've come a long way from a few years ago, where I probably would have reacted a lot worse--and made everyone else around me miserable too. Thank you Redhook Ale, for all your help. Just kidding. I've got a little guy on the way, so I've got to think about him.
Here's a picture of Amanda and our dear Jane, my colleague who just got back from Oxford a few weeks ago (her husband was finishing his Ph.D there). Jane is due exactly ten days from Amanda. She came by tonight to drop off a gift for our guy, and we had a nice little visit. It was great for Sally and Jane to be a "support group" for each other as they are dealing with the same issues. They both look fantastic. In this picture, Callum and Kylian are meeting each other for the first time! With stuff like this, who gives a crap about a driveway?