I have to say I am happy to see this week finally end--its been an interesting one for sure, full of crappy things happening (well, only two crappy things I guess). During this past winter, during a severe windstorm we had, the chimney cap of our wood stove chimney (we have two separate chimneys) blew well off the house, and landed on the other side of the yard. It was to warped to put back on the chimney, and I wouldnt have done it anyway, since I am afraid of heights (and I'm a moron). On Tuesday, we had some of the worst rain in recent memory, and I came home a completely flooded chimney--without the cap (and also due to some cracks in the masonry that need attention) water came rushing down the chimney, behind the tile, and out through the mortar. The chimney runs through the inside of the house, so the ceilings in both the dining room, and, more importantly, the freshly renovated Bean's room, became damaged by water.
But look at how pretty Amanda looks, with roughly 5 weeks to go until the little man is set to arrive!!

Crappy thing # 2: We got two cord of wood delivered today, and as you can see, the wood is awesome--a great mix of ash, oak, and maple (and no birch!! which we have tons of already, so that is good). I got it at a pretty good rate of 185 a cord. That might seem expensive, and it is, since last year I was paying 160 per cord. But this wood is already split (which I didnt want . . .but they only had "split wood and actually it is difficult to FIND wood this year for some reason) and it is of high quality. And, as I've said before, I'd much rather give my hard earned money to a man from Norridgewock Maine rather than George Bush and his rapist friends at OPEC. Oh yeah . . .the crappy thing. Well, the delivery man basically tore up our front yard in the process of delivering the goods. He had to back onto the lawn a bit--a lawn that basically sits on clay that, just yesterday, was covered with some standing water. His back tires sunk in like they were in quick sand, and he actually got stuck. We had to position some wood (thats what she said) under the tires to make a mock "ramp" so he could get "unstuck." It didnt work for the first three tries. Did I mention Bill from across the street stood in his window and watched the whole thing? So he finally got out, rendering us with two 4 feet long by 2 feet deep craters in our lawn. Not to mention, he totally cracked the side of the driveway (the pathetic driveway done by the poor excuse for a paver known as Steve Violette) because of the weight of his truck . . .
Here is the wood (against the garage, you can see I already stacked about a half a cord . . .).

A year or two ago, these two "crappy things" really would have killed me . . .but I've got to hand it to myself as to how far I've come dealing with this kind of stuff. Shit happens. Can I say shit? I mean, I am still really upset about the chimney, our ruined driveway, and our gouged lawn, but I've come a long way from a few years ago, where I probably would have reacted a lot worse--and made everyone else around me miserable too. Thank you Redhook Ale, for all your help. Just kidding. I've got a little guy on the way, so I've got to think about him.
Here's a picture of Amanda and our dear Jane, my colleague who just got back from Oxford a few weeks ago (her husband was finishing his Ph.D there). Jane is due exactly ten days from Amanda. She came by tonight to drop off a gift for our guy, and we had a nice little visit. It was great for Sally and Jane to be a "support group" for each other as they are dealing with the same issues. They both look fantastic. In this picture, Callum and Kylian are meeting each other for the first time!
With stuff like this, who gives a crap about a driveway?
no problem. If the Phillies are home the week you come it won't be a problem. Just let me know what week you are coming and I will work on it.
I also wanted to say Amanda looks great and it won't be long so enjoy each other and your time alone now. Before you leave for the hospital take a god look around the house because it will no longer be the same when you get back. It's totally worth it though!!
Good luck!!!
Ya, I talked to Jared I think Tuesday when the chimmney was leaking. He handled it very well, but he was on his 3rd glass of wine I think....
jeez amanda, i thought more people would comment to say how great you look . . .but obviously people arent. SO I will just tell you beautiful you look and how proud I am of you for the way you have carried yourself (no pun intended) throughout the pregnancy. You are going to be an amazing mumma.
Thank you, honey muffle! You made me cry right here at my desk. I am happy to carry our little guy. He has hiccups right now.
Keith said I look good too, so it must be true! I want to go to see the Phillies too when we go down. Or maybe it should just be a guy-bonding thing....
I'd love to try guy bondage with keith.
you know whats funny? BOTH your parents commented on the kranthony blog . . .but did they have anything to say for OURS??
its a conspiracy. . . .
This is really cute how you two are communicating through your blog.
Amanda I think you look great too! I can't believe how big your belly has gotten since the last time I saw you. The bean is really growing and like I said before he must have an appetite like his daddy.
Anyhow I'm really glad you are able to handle your emotions Jared. Sometimes you have to think just like this "oh well what are you gonna do?" Thats me and my supervisors favorite line at work "oh well what are ya gonna do".
OMG! this is a great blog. Amanda you look fantastic!!! I can't believe the Bean will be here soon. Brandon is beatiful and I know the Bean will be too. I just love that little guy. I can't get enough of him. Emma is still the princess. How great for me to have a prince and princess. Jared, I am proud of you, you did really well. Boy, does shit happen, Uncle Bob and I can attest to that, God only knows we have had enough shit happen!!!!! Life goes on and you're right your family is all that matters in the end and of course your faith. Hang in there buddy!!!!
I wish I was in Maine so I could match my belly with you two lovely girls.Jared the wood looks good, you are handling things better then usual.The only time you seem to get upset is when the pu-pu platter doen't have enough spare ribs,wah wah.
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