What a busy weekend--we did yardwork, Amanda had three concerts in two days, we ate a wonderful Mother's Day lunch, and we worked on the baby's room. On Friday, Lynne slept over, and then, on Saturday morning before the second concert, Amanda and Lynne worked on the room, going through gifts, dividing up clothes, and washing little clothes. Amanda had another concert on Saturday afternoon, and then one on Saturday night; the Augusta Symphony played with the Bossov Ballet company, performing Peter and the Wolf, The Swan, and Bolero. A beautiful job done by all--especially the wicked hot choreography done with Bolero. I will write more about ballet in a very near future blog, since it is something I'm becoming both very interested in, and intrigued by. Today, being Mother's Day, was spent going to the greatest Italian restaurant I know of: Graziano's La Casa Mia in Lisbon. Its probably better than anyplace I've even been in the North End in Boston; its kind of a Willard/Walters/Goldsmith/Schrute family tradition. I got the buffet, big surprise, and Amanda got Capalini Rinaldo, which is a sultry tomato sauce filled with scallops and shrimp--its making me hungry again just thinking of it. We missed Nannie, as she was down in Connecticut, enjoying a brunch with Sponge Bob, Joanne, and the Kranthonys. Then, tonight, Amanda and Lynne worked some more on laundry and other things baby, and the result was something magnificent. Oh, and George and I were sent out to Fourbucks for coffee and latte things . . .and we also discussed George's impending E-Bay business. Good stuff.
Here is another shot of the crib with the little "Choo Choo Express" rug in front of it--it looks like SOMEONE has found their home there. Its so cute--he loves to sleep there in the sunlight. The baby's Nannie bought him all kinds of "Choo Choo Express" room accessories, to go with his train theme.

Some cute little choo choo train curtains, with his little swing below the window . . .

The inside of his little crib, complete with choo choo blanket. Now, we are fully aware that its a big "no no" to have all these animals in the crib while he's in there (actually, it seems like EVERYTHING is a no-no with cribs nowadays . . .I'm surprised they dont just recommend that the baby sleep in a strait jacket on a plywood slab) but its too cute, no? The UNH bear is in there . . .the UMaine bear is probably out working at McDonalds, since that is the only thing UMaine bears can do . . .wah wah wah. Look at the little lamb on the bottom right corner . . .

Our dear friends Sarah and Tim (whom we think might even still be alive, but we're not sure) sent up some awesome stuff for the little guy . . .but these are probably my favorite things of all time. He's got little cowboy boots . . .and little hippie/yuppy clogs! As a male, I rarely get "truly" excited about baby clothes--but these things strike a chord in me. I can't wait for him to wear these. Oh, and look at the little train lamp in the background. And a train bank. Hopefully, he'll like trains, and not dolls, like his daddy . . .

Check in this week for some more meanderings, some thoughts on ballet, and some random dribblings about an annual event in Fairfield: Trash Day!
Happy Mother's Day, Amanda! I'm glad you and Jared had such a great weekend...I just got done updating our blog, and I think I just realized how busy our weekend was! Can't wait to see you soon! :)
The room looks oh so cute (in a manly way). We are indeed alive, Jar. Our phone is not working (I swear... call... it's busy) and are getting a new number this week. I will call you. I am so excited for you guys!
Few things missing from the room...
- a picture of me
-where are his mocasins??
Callum's room looks graet, can't wait to see him in his crib.
I would give my name but!!!!! if I do I seem to get in TROUBLE!!
hey cha cha, welcome back!!! we hope you are back for good so you can join in in all the fun . . .
Aww, everything looks so nice in Callum's room!
The room looks so cute! I can't wait for the Bean to see it. I agree with Auntie KK except my picture is missing too!!!!
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