We are "back" on the blog scene AND the internet, as last night Twon hooked up our DSL for us. So, finally, we can do regular blogs . . .
Well, last night (Friday) the Favry family graced us with their presence, and we had a nice little cookout with burgers and dogs from Joseph's meat market. This morning, Amanda made her lovely french toast and scrambled eggs (she wouldnt let me cook her breakfast on her birthday) and Anthony and Chelsea danced together to some jazzy music. . . .
While I cleaned up, Amanda and Anthony talked to Nannie Rouse on speaker phone, while Kristin lay passed out from too much Mimosa . . .
After that, Twon helped me carry in the Bean's new bureau/changing table that Nannie and Papa G. got him for a gift. We put it in his room, which now makes his room fully complete and ready for his arrival. Twon and I then went for a nice little bike ride around the finer points of Fairfield, including the rail trail along the Kennebec River. My new road bike is ready for my test ride, but I will go and pick it up Tuesday most likely. We had a great ride, and the rain held off!
How could we NOT post this picture of sport Jonathan in his wicked hot bike garb. As we drove up Wing's Mills Road on our way to Lynne and George's this afternoon, we actually passed Jon on a huge hill, as he was riding his bike from his place to his parent's. He's training for the Trek Across Maine which will take place in a couple of weeks or so . . .maybe I'll do it next year . . .
Amanda requested George's special "hoagies" for her birthday dinner, and George, once again, outdid himself with a splashing spread of snacks, and a pleasantly pleasing platter of Philadelphia style hoagies. Amanda's cake came from Hillman's Bakery (where else??) and it was a delicious white cake with strawberry filling, topped with a cream cheese frosting. It was great to have Kristin and Anthony over to Springpond to hang out. It was a great day, and we're sad that they're probably leaving tomorrow . . . .
Unless the beautiful birthday girl goes into labor . . . .
Those biker shorts are hot! I tap that!
I enjoyed taking up the rear on our bike ride. I just wish next time when we go into the woods, you bring a blanket because the pine needles hurt.
Oh my gosh Amanda I can't believe how much the bean has grown! It looks like you could go any day now! Hurray!!!!!!! When he's born make sure you tell him his cousin belle and emma bear love him very much and we can't wait to meet him this summer!
HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Did you get our message last night? I'm glad you all had a wonderful time. That cake sure looks good.
Take it easy the rest of the weekend. It looks like you need to just lie around with your feet up reading a good book.
Love you both!
Happy Birthday, Amanda!
happy birfday amanda!!
we had fun last night sitting around the fire! too bad Kranthony didn't stick around to enjoy it with us!!
Thanks for our plant Callum we love it and planted it today in Callum's corner, come water it soon.
Oh nice that you had a fire, that was Anthony's one and only request. hmph.
Did you watch Hats too? Why don't you poor some salt on the wound.
Happy Birthday Amanda!!!!!
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