Any day now, it could happen . . . .
Anyway, go listen to the song. Its beautiful.
As a father to be, I often daydream about what the bean will be like . . .how will he spend his time? What will he want to do? What will be his dreams, hopes, and aspirations. Of course, I'll let him find his own way, while at the same time trying to introduce him to everything I can. My parents did the same for me, and I am grateful for that.
What did you DO when you were young that, looking back now, you can't believe you ever did?? Little kids like to try all sorts of crap, learn they dont like it (or, in my case, suck at it), and then move on to their true passions.
The lovely and talented Amanda, for example, was on the swim team, and from what I hear was a fierce competitor. Also, she played field hockey for a year (I wish she kept the skirt . . .), soccer (George coached), and softball. It doesnt surprise me . . .Amanda has a very "strong" body athletically speaking. Her shape is well suited for sports and athletics . . .even though she hates that stuff now, and has found her niche playing with an orchestra or conducting an ensemble.
My sister Kristin, the "queen of shopaholic novels," played "shrimp soccer" when she was little, and I believe she did score a goal . . .for the wrong team. I dont remember much, except that her shirt was yellow and that she sucked (dont worry . . .I pick on myself later). In high school, she played field hockey and did, in fact, score a goal for the Tigers. But, meeting her today, you'd never know she ever was into sports. Its just not the person she is.
As for myself, I have distinct memories of crawling, literally, on my hands and knees, across the ASIAF ice rink at Brockton High School when I HAD to have my parents sign me up for ice skating lessons (because my friend Michael Murphy played hockey). It was one of my darker moments, to be honest. I think I lasted two weeks (one lesson per week), and I dont think, in all seriousness, I actually ever MADE it out to the ice to join the rest of the kids . . . I think I pretty much just laid on the ice, unable to get up. my pride damaged beyond repair. Ah, to be young again.
Also: I took Karate for a year (quit, much to the chagrin of my dad), boy scouts for two or three years (ask my mom or sister about how much I loved summer camp), sailing (college team), tee-ball, basketball, piano lessons (one hour . . .and somehow, I can compose music and play in front of crowds), and last but not least, gymnastics (at "Spectrum Gymnastics" to be exact). Mel finds this hilarious for some reason--especially the part about how I used to do the parallel and uneven bars. I guess I find it funny too. Kris, Cha Cha, and Ortiz: Am I leaving anything out?
Signing up for stuff and then quitting it a week later seems to be a rite of passage when you are very young. What will the bean quit? And what will he love? How will he finally find himself?
Do we ever "really" find ourselves?
How about you?
I take offense to the comment about you would never know I used to play sports by looking at me know....hmmph. i am walking 40 miles this weekend.
You didn't mention I took dance for a very long time, I'll probably be on dancing with the stars next season..
i didnt mean you werent IN SHAPE . . .I meant that you arent interested in "team" sports. Silly butt face . . .
dont be sore
i will drink one ounce of beer for every mile you walk. as an added bonus.
When I was in 8th grade I was on the cross-country ski team for about 2 weeks. I quit before the first meet. Not because I didn't like it, but because the coaches didn't even tell us what events we would be competing in or anything. They weren't very good at coaching the new people, so I quit.
Jared I'm 34 and still haven't found myself.
Anyhow I'm not really sure what I'm good at. I tried ballet at Emma's age but quit b/c I didn't like wearing the tights (they itched). I cheered all through elementary and middle school and played softball (I have to admit I was the best left handed second baseman hence why I love Steve Sax from the Yankees so much). In high school my socializing skills took over (which my teachers all said I was very good at, talking)and I was very involved in student council and loved it. I even got to go to leadership camp one summer. Oh yeh and I played the violin and piano but never kept up with them and now wished I had.
Now my passion is coming home from work bike riding with Emma (she can ride w/out training wheels now which she is very proud of)and doing my Leslie Sansone DVD's. I just LOVE the Leslie DVD's.
Hey I was a cheerleader too Belle. I was on the "B" sqaud. I was WICKED good.
I also tried to learn to ski but all the three year old kids wizzing by me yelled at me to much.
UM don't forget your days for FOOTBALL!!!!
and the one day at WHEATON FARM DAY CAMP!!!
oh yes who could forget wheaton farm day camp? i hated it because it was run by dirty liberal hippies and the women didnt wear bras and they should have and it scared me and they smelled like old cabbage.
belle, the ballet costumes itch? but stevee cee says you often dress up like a ballerina for those "special saturdays."
that is great the emma can ride her bike now! i will most likely ride with her this summer.
I'm good at nagging Uncle Bob, does that count????
Just ask Grandmom and Grandpop. I was absolutely the BEST when it came to starting then quitting things! I know that when I was about 4 and took ballet and tap lessons, I had to quit because I didn't follow the teacher but kept looking at myself in the long mirrors. I guess it's pretty amazing that I,ve stayed with George for 40 years!
I loved soccer. I played baseball but then lost interest in it after I got hit in the face with a fast ball and knocked out. Now I'm afraid of balls flying at my face (that's what she said). I also played football. Don't forget about you fantastic skiing skills Jared....your ski holding/mountain walking skills amazed me that day...errr, hour we were at Attitash.
how bout that summer you were big into extreme street luge? damn, you're ass looked good in that spandex suit.
i second twon's comment on ja's skiing skills. remember slaying the slopes at nashoba?
I played softball when I was in third grade but was scared of my coaches because most of the other girls on my team were die-hards, and I just wanted to do it for fun...but apparently REC sports aren't always leisurely! The coaches did a lot of yelling instead of teaching. Then I played basketball for two years when I was 9 and 10 but that wasn't quite my thing either because one time I was passed the ball and just ran with is down the court instead of dribbling (that's on video I think, HA). Then when I was 8 I started taking dance lessons which continued for the next 11 years! That was my thing, and still is (sort of) although, some people probably don't consider dancing a sport......IT CAN BE!
Amanda - I had no idea you swam! When I was in elementary school (through junior high), I ran cross-country, played soccer and field hockey, basketball, and softball, and did gymnastics. By the time I was in high school, I had only stuck with basketball and softball, but I loved playing team sports. There was something about working together to achieve a goal and having to depend on others in order to get it. (I think that's why I still coach!)
When I learned how to ski in high school, I loved it - I wish I had been on a ski team in high school!
Well i though i would tell you all what i did for sports...
as a little little kid i played soccer... wasn't much good. I didn't really have and competitiveness in me. (-2 for spelling).
In Elementary school i played Pee wee basketball and baseball. I was a pretty good 1st baseman i have to say.
Have been Mt biking since i was 14. And cycling for 2 years. I think i may do a few Triatholons next year.... But i have found what i am good at. Bike Riding.
Rock climbed for a few years..
I rode, climbed, and jumped on all sort of things in college.
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