Well, this past Monday was our final "childbirth" class--after 8 long weeks of two hour Monday night sessions (thats what she said) we are finally done. We have covered breathing techniques, bathing, car seats, buttfors, braxton hicks contractions, how to know if you are in labor (like I am sure Amanda will need someone to tell her, right??) and, last but not least, breastfeeding. In fact, this past Monday's class was donated ALL to breastfeeding. I actually only said "thats what she said" once, and that is only because Amanda jabbed me in the arm really hard and it hurt and I cried a little inside. Again. The films were . . .interesting. We also talked a good deal about breast pumps, and the whole process of pumping milk. The good "power" pumps (which she'll use for when she goes back to work OR so I can do some of the 2AM feedings) cost nearly 300 bucks. But worth it, I guess, since its a small price to pay for the best possible nutrition. Some folks were asking about insurance covering the cost of the breast pump, and, for the most part, they do not cover it. What I find TOTALLY fair and equitable, however, is how, when a three pack a day smoker finally gets emphysema and needs to be on oxygen or something, insurance will cover that cost no problem. I understand. Priorities.
So, switching gears, I have just about three weeks left of classes with my seniors, and I am counting down. This time of year always gets very exciting, and its only further exacerbated by the fact that we have the impending birth of the bean to look forward to. I've been working on my song--this year, for the fourth year in a row, the senior class has asked me to write a special song for them, to be performed at commencement exercises at Colby College. Its awesome playing there, since its HUGE inside the field house. Just in case I can't be there (like if some random girl I know goes into labor or something) I have made plans for the LaChapelles to record it for me in their "basement studio." At which time, the senior class will play my song over the speakers at the college. That would be weird, but I wont be there, so it doesnt matter I guess. This year, the class has asked blogger's very own Michael Thurston to be their guest speaker. Thurston and I are going to rock the house. We'll tug at their heartstrings. We'll change their lives . . .
Congrats on your final class...the day is almost here! :)
Did you say you were going to tug on their strings? Haha
Jared, I am sure you can come up with some things you can use for the breast pump when you are through using it.
How exciting!! only a few more weeks till we can expect a call!! and yay for your song for your graduating class!!
congrats on your graduation! It won't be long now, but who's counting.
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