Auntie Kristin (in my family, aunt is pronounced correctly . . .not like the insect . . .ha ha). She is hoping Callum will enjoy reading trashy paperbacks about shopping, shoes, and cheesecake.
Dave and Jen Lachapelle, who were the first non-family folks to visit Callum. I mention Dave a lot, since he is my "unofficial Maine Guide" who teaches me about fly fishing, trout, snowmobiling, and maple syrup making. Terrific individuals, and absolutely model parents as far as we're concerned--they have two young boys
"Let's go read!!!" Michelle Clark wins the "library award," for supplying Callum with about 75 percent of his books . . .ha ha. Michelle has given Callum lots and lots of Sandra Boynton books (and she has given mom and dad some delicious pumpkin choco-chip cookies, Shepard's pie, and lasagna!)
What an interesting week it has been, no? Its funny to see how much Callum has changed already since a week ago . . .it seems as though he is making new faces and sounds and expressions--its funny to watch. Amanda and I are just so humbled and gracious for the outpouring of kindness, meals, visits, calls, you name it from family and friends! Thank you all so much . . .and we hope that you all get to see Callum for yourself soon! We love when people call and visit, so please do so if you want to (I am writing that because some people have told me they feel like they are "bothering" us if they call or stop by . . .nothing could be further from the truth!). I dont want anyone to feel like they are bothering us . . .Callum loves his new family and friends. And Thomas loves the attention as well.
We are trying to get into some sort of rhythm (thats what she . . .) for not only Callum, but also for ourselves. For example, we want Callum to have some sort of sleep schedule/feeding schedule/bath schedule, but we also want (for ourselves) to get our eating and bathing schedules ironed out too . . .ha ha. I think it will just take a lot of love, patience, and understanding on behalf of Amanda and myself to do this . . .its good marriage practice!
Amanda has been out on a couple of walks (without the baby, because it has been a rainy week) and she is looking fantastic! Thankfully, she can now return to doing some of the things she does around the house--most importantly giving Thomas P. his wet food breakfasts and dinners, which, even after all my time around hospitals, blood, vomit, etc. I cannot do . . .wet cat food, more than anything, makes me sick. I have been getting outside for a few bike rides, and yesterday Jonathan and I did about 15 miles, which felt really good actually. I have been enjoying road biking, and my back muscles are starting to "tone up" to the demands of cycling (I think). Also, I've been out doing some weeding, mowing, and wood stacking (because before you know it, we'll be burning again). Thomas seems to have mellowed out a bit . . .when we first brought him home, he did not leave our side for the first 24 hours. He still is very affectionate when Amanda is feeding Callum, as if to say "hey, remember me? I'm cute too!" We're trying to give him lots of extra love.
So that is where we stand one week later. Today, being Sunday, is the first full day since we've been home that its just been me, Callum, and Amanda. Lynne stayed with us for a few days last week, and was a great help--both with stuff around the house, and with emotional support for the new mom--thanks Lynne! As for me, I am hard at work at some new meanderings for a future blog . . .
Cheesecake?? Silly daddy, when Callum comes down in a few weeks Ill begin reading the Shop-a-holic series to him, I think he'll really enjoy it. Ill also change his outfits a lot and probably paint his toenails....and powda his butt of course
Hi guys! It was great getting to visit with you today - and watching the Red Sox - and I'm really glad you enjoyed the pumpkin chocolate chip cookies. (Lynn, I'll make some for you next time!) Callum is such a little cuddlebug...we're looking forward to having dinner on Tuesday! Beef stroganoff, baked potatoes, and a vegetable of your choice are on the menu...yummy!
Night, Callum!
Aunt Lynne is a GREAT Help!!! I remember after having Emma by c-section Aunt Lynne was there and she was always helping out around my house during her visit. She even changed my bed sheets and did wash! I'll never forget that, THANKS AUNT LYNNE! We do have a wonderful, supportive family.
By the way Jared you need to post updated pictures of Callum for us out-of-state New Jersians who can't wait to meet him.
I just thought of a great photo op for your blog of Callum this summer when you visit: Callum holding a frozen egg roll!
Very funny Belle
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