Eric and I workout together on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the track, and Susan and Jackson came by before Eric and I left, and we had a nice little visit. I can only post five pictures at a time on this blog, and my five were up, but I will need to post a picture later of Jackson (who just finished kindergarten) holding Callum: he is a natural, and he is the youngest person to hold the little guy. Susan and Eric are expecting their second child (a girl) in September . . .they already look natural (again) holding a newborn.
Well today the Goldsmith's took a little trip into Hallowell (home of Lucky Garden, "formerly" Water Street Yarns, The Liberal Cup, and tons of little antique shops that are . . .nice) for Callum's second doctor's appointment. Since last Friday, he has grown a half and inch (a half inch is a lot to a guy like Ponticelli!) and has gained 3 more ounces. We just love our doctor-Nathan Murray-James of Hallowell Family Practice. A super doctor with an outstanding demeanor and "bedside manner." Also, he is very progressive in his treatments and ideas; he's not just one of those "prescription happy" doctors who wants to just shove drugs down your throat. We're lucky to have him. Here he is, holding Callum before his exam.
Or, is this Jason Ponticelli????
And here's an "action shot" of Dr Murray James checking out Callum's eyes and mouth. Callum just loves going to the doctor's . . .
After the visit, it was off to the Liberal Cup for lunch. The Liberal Cup, as some may know, is a fantastic brewery in downtown Hallowell owned by this guy named Jeff who, as far as I am concerned, operates one of the coolest places in Maine (with some of the best beer as well!) Nannie just loves the spinach artichoke dip there. And the beer and cheese soup is super too! Johnny Crockett and Jay even came there with me a few years ago. Johnny was impressed . . .and he lives in Nevada, where prostitution is legal, and they have "In and Out Burger." I dont know if the two are necessarily related . . .KAZAAM!
I have fond memories of "the Cup," as I (and some other distinguished WHS faculty like M.E.T.) used to go and play trivia there on Tuesday nights. Drink beer, and pretend to be smart: two things I do very well . . .
NOW, the Liberal Cup holds the distinct honor of being the first restaurant ever attended by Callum. By the time I took the photo, he was already passed out from his "Backhouse Bitter" and his "Taste of Summer Wheat Ale." He holds his liquor like his mumma . . . .
The two new friends are bonding just fine . . .
AMANDA YOU LOOK GREAT, ARE YOU SURE THAT ISN'T JASON P.I thought Callum's first restaurant would be Big G's.
I was getting worried that Thomas P was forgotten about. Glad to see he isn't.
I agree w/ Ortiz, Amanda does look great. Isn't it so much fun taking the little guy out!
At In and Out you can order you meat aka burger animal style. TaTa and I wanted to go when we were in CA.
Amanda, you look great! I am sure you feel much better!
Thanks everyone... I think that picture is horrible though. Mom would tell me, "Sit up straight and put your shoulders back!"
Callum was a really good boy at the restaurant. We were really nervous to take him out for the first time, but he did great. He just slept the whole time!
I am in fact a licensed OB-GYN within the continental 48.
Callum-you are looking swell.
Amanda- I am looking forward to our next appointment. WHAMMMY!!!!
Jared- [Facebook fight]
Thomas looks like a pretty good babysitter to me! Amanda you look great and glad that Callum had a good check-up.
i love amanda and jared and callum and thomas. i miss you. love emma
Hey guys, Emma is staying over at her nanny and papa's and wanted to write you a little note. She actually wrote the comment herself.
Hi Guys! Love the picture of the 4 of us....can't believe we took first place. We had a very nice visit with you and look forward to stopping by again.
Amanda you are doing great and look terrific!!
Oh, I thought for sure Callum's first restaurant would be Governor's!! LOL......
It sounds like it was a great day! Good job, Callum, at the doctor's!
welcome Peter . . .
and who might you be?
Jared - "Peter's" posting was MY posting! I have no idea why Peter is the name there...maybe I typed it in by accident when I was thinking of my dad or brother? No idea. Sorry! It was me!
Amanda you look great and Thomas looks so cute watching over his little brother. He is so beautiful.
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