Well, we are waiting patiently (or impatiently as the case may be, Jared!) for the Bean to arrive. We are now a day past our official due date and I feel kind of strange. We've spent the last months totally focused on June 6th, and now it's come and gone with no Bean. Maybe he just has some last minute things to take care of.... Come on out, Bean! We want to meet you!
How sweet! I got home from work on Friday to this:
Baby goats! Here is one trying to get something to eat. They were so cute!
Mom and I had a great lunch of hot dogs, hand-cut french fries and lemonade.
And while we ate lunch, there was a kids bluegrass band!
After we left the Fiber Frolic we headed up to Skowhegan to purchase some FuzziBunz cloth diapers to try out on the Bean....when he finally decides to show up! Mom and I had the best day. It was great just to spend time together, buy some really beautiful yarn, and keep a yearly tradition going. We're going to take the Bean next year!
The day was topped off with a great dinner at Cancun in Waterville. Mel and Jonathan also joined us and Mom had a margarita with too much tequila. Fun!
Hang in there guys!! I know it sucks but it is so worth it!!
Good luck, i bet it happens tmw.
Sounds like a fun day! We had Emma's recital today and we were thinking we would get a call that the bean has arrived or at least was going to make an appearance. Oh well we'll just have to keep waiting. I'm sure it's killing you. Even though I'm not there trust me I've been thinking of you everyday and how anxious you must be feeling.
Emma and Steve did a fantastic job in the recital. I'm hoping to get a video of their dance so you guys can see it. I was such a proud mother today because Emma did such a wonderful job and Steve Cee didn't do to bad himself. Actually the fathers kicked butt in their dance! Us wives and mothers were so proud!
We topped off our day with a girls night out (me, donna & mom) seeing Sex and the City (which was fabulous)and some cocktails at Friday's afterwards (Cosmo's and Martini's of course).
It was 100 degrees here today and it still is about 90 something out now at 11:45pm. Great swimming weather! I hope it's like this when you visit this summer, it will make for some great night time swimming! We got mom and dads old fire pit so hopefully when we have our crab night at our house we can enjoy some night swimming and sitting around the fire! Cant Wait!!!!!
Love to both of you! Oh yeh and Aunt Lynne (or the M.I.L. I should say) is looking good!
Amanda, I told you NOT to publish that horrible picture of me!!!!
We did have a great day, didn't we? I can't wait for next years fair. It will be so much fun to show the Bean all the cute animals!
Now that's what I am talking about. It's all about bonding with the girls. I love it!!! M.I.L. great picture! Hang in there Amanda & Jared the Bean is just figuring out his next move!!!!
i hope donna pumped before she had cocktails at Fridays . . . .
why didnt you go to Ott's instead???
So this morning I read this quickly and had to come back and check... did the bean arrive, because I thought it said something like the bean decided to arrive at the end of the post meaning you went into labor at the frolic! Mom had a margarita with too much tequila? Did Lynnie have too much tequila? Or was the drink just too strong?? Hang in there Amanda, Nicko was 2 weeks late (and then induced), hope it isn't like that for you. But whatever it is, the important thing is that you are both healthy.
She pumped believe me, the service at Ott's is horrible, we would still be there waiting for one drink and goodness if you ordered something to eat! They redid the deck though it looks great. Can't wait for you to see it.
Just becasue your father was over two weeks late, doesn't mean that you have to!!!!
Miley- Can I come to your recitial next year? I love recitals!!
Hey Kristin if you come down this summer Miley can give you a private showing.
Amanda & Jared, it's Sunday night and I am anxiously sitting by my phone waiting for that special call. Where is the Bean???????
No Bean yet! I'm here at work and it's really weird... I hope he comes soon. I got all excited because I had a contraction at 5:30 this morning, but nothing after that... We'll just have to keep on waiting.
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