This is why we say Callum is our little miracle . . .here is his umbilical cord after I cut it. I had the midwife hold it out for me. Notice the two knots? Its amazing that he a) didnt suffocate b) was able to get the nutrition he needed (and 8+ pounder!) during pregnancy, and c) had no complications during birth. We just cannot believe it, and neither can Bjarni! Maybe I'll get a tattoo of two knots across my back . . . not. But maybe that should be his nickname . . ."Knots" or something . . .
Here is a picture of Amanda, Callum, and Bjarni--taken about ten minutes after he was born. I know I am biased because she is my wife, but I just can't believe how beautiful Amanda looks . . .even right after giving a drug free birth!!! She looks fabulous. Bjarni (pronounced "jar-nee") was totally fantastic, and didnt leave Amanda's side from the moment she got there--a primary reason we went with a midwife versus a doctor
This morning before we left. Callum has been (finally!) feeding a little better, and "latching on" to Amanda. For a while, he had to get take out, as we fed him with a curved syringe, but now he saddles right up to the dairy bar. And he always goes to sleep right after. Look at his little diaper . . .
In his big boy outfit, moments before leaving the hospital and going into the real world for the first time. He seemed to like his car seat, and he slept the whole 5.6 miles home
And here I am, the proudest dad in the world, carrying my son down the hallway, and out the big double doors. It was very scary leaving such a secure place like the hospital. But I was happy to get out of there . . .I'm not a big fan of hospitals
Thanks again everyone for all your love and support!
He's so cute! :) Congratulations! And you're right, Amanda looks great after having just given birth without any drugs! That's amazing! :)
Congratulations, again! I'm so proud of and happy for you both...hope you enjoyed the lasagna and biscuits. I'll drop off some shepard's pie tomorrow! :)
P.S. Thanks for letting me hold the little guy...he's SO cute!
I had to laugh about the cord picture! I think it's fascinating (rather than gruesome) and indeed you all are lucky and blessed. Callum is beautiful, and so is Amanda!
All I can say is WOW! You two are truly blessed and he is so precious. Like Auntie KK I love Callum
I loved talking to Callum last night, Im pretty sure I heard him say Auntie
Wow! Congratulations Jared and Amanda! I can't believe you have a kid now ha ha!! Jared, you look like a natural holding that carseat, and yes, Amanda looks great. She is amazing for going drug-free! I am very impressed!
Callum is just too cute for words. I'll tell you Amanda it must be those Walters jeans all of us grandkids have to produce such good looking babies. I can't wait to meet Callum and give him lots of kisses!
Oh by the way Amanda, while you, Callum & Jared were watching the Sox get beat by the Phillies last night (I had to throw that in there b/c that would be something Keith would say) I was watching "A Night at the Roxbury" remember when we watched that on mom and dads boat?
Nannie said, OHHHHHHH how cute he is, and can't wait to hold him again, I miss him already.
And Thomas P, Nannie still loves you just as much as your brother. Well,,,,, um,,, Callum is maybe a bit more special.....
But you have held the limelight for so long, we all still love you.
BUT AGAIN, Callum, that another story .....
He is literally the cutest little man alive. I love that picture of him asleep on mom... He should be a baby model. I usually think babies are a little bit ruddy-old-manish, but not Callum... he is perfection. Good job!
Hi Callum! Hi mommy & daddy!
Callum tell mommy & daddy to give you lots & lots of kisses from cousins Belle, Emma & Steve Cee!
By the way how is Thomas P adjusting to the new family addition?
Hi guys. I am glad you are home. Callum is so beautiful. Is is scry looking a that knot. He is a miracle. How does prince Thomas like him? Amanda you look fantastic. You would never know you just delivered. I can't wait to see him in person (and hold him). Nannie and Auntie are keepie us up to date with pictures.
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