Each year the senior class selects a faculty member to speak at the commencement exercises, and this year, for the fifth time in his tenure at Winslow, fellow blogger Mike Thurston (met) delivered a great speech making comparisons between "life" and "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." He alluded to his own mom in the speech, describing how she was like the "black knight" (if you saw the movie, you'll get it) for the way she has bounced back from a stroke and a heart attack . . .and is now dealing with a rare, incurable form of cancer. The entire field house audience at Colby College (I would estimate about 6500 people come out for the Winslow High School graduation) gave her a standing ovation in the middle of the speech . . .it was a wonderful moment. Below, Mike Thurston, Sean Keenan (our athletic director) and yours truly sit in our "guests of honor" chairs up on stage. Mike and are going out now . . . .
After the ceremony, it is all about "picture time" and getting photos taken with "former" students. It is awesome to congratulate them, say goodbye and good luck, and get some closure with a good picture. We didnt stay too long this year, since I wanted to get Amanda home to lie on the couch, but we did get some good pictures to post:
Me and my student Sarah. She came a long way this year, battling constant migraine headaches that landed her in the hospital. A great kid. I also posted this picture because my dentist (and father of my student Matt), Dr Farrell, is sneaking his way into the picture (to the left of Sarah's head). I love when that happens in pictures. Years ago, you had to wait to develop the pictures and see what kinds of "surprises" lay in store . . .but with digital its all instant gratification.
Here I am with Meryl McClellan and her father. A sweet girl, and one of the top three best writers I had this year. Easily one of the nicest and most caring students in the school--I know that sounds cliche, but it really is true. She's a very popular girl, yet she both reaches out to and connects with everyone. Very genuine, and truly a class act. Plus, she goes to the pub a lot with her dad, and I see her there (she gets soda . . .)
Jared, I wish we had teachers like you when I was in school. It sounds like it was a wonderful night for all.
Where is the Bean????????? Anything happening yet, I am patiently waiting.
No sign of the Bean yet! Who knows when he'll arrive. We're trying to be patient, but I think Jared is getting pretty anxious to meet this little guy. He asks me several times a day if I'm in labor yet...
Jared's song last night was amazing. I'm going to try to post the video on our blog tonight.
What a wonderful night Jared! Your students are lucky to have you. Emma and Steve cee had a big night also last night. They had their dress rehearsal for Emma's recital this saturday. I finally got it on video this year so we can watch when you visit. I'm going to email some pictures this evening.
COME ON BEAN!!!!We are all patiently waiting!
Oh Callum, these folks keep rushing you. I'll tell them you are waiting until your Auntie can visit, then you will make your apperance. Until then just sit tight.
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