My first day back to work yesterday was difficult, but it was okay. The ladies I work with were so helpful to me and they were very glad to have me back. It helps that I'm returning to a place that is full of nice people. It also helps that my mom is watching Callum because I could call as often as I wanted, and she actually called me a couple of times too. Once was to let me talk to Callum, which made me cry. He has been very vocal lately - I love all the sounds he is making! And thank you to everyone who called and emailed me during the day to check in. You guys made the day go by faster!
I had today off and I am also at home tomorrow, then it's back to work Thursday and Friday. Callum and I had a GREAT day today. Here are some of the highlights:
Callum loves his fun mat!
Here he is flexing his muscles. He takes after his daddy.
And this is the most impressive. He is getting really good at lifting his head while he's on his tummy. Just look at that face! Isn't he a handsome boy?
Hi Amanda, I loved your blog but I miss Jared's too. Uncle Bob is bored now. I love the pictures of Callum. I know you are sad that you have to work but realize that you are not alone. At least Callum is with his granny. That is wonderful for Callum. Maybe she will teach him to clean the house ha. I want to say that I also agree with your friends Michelle & Chris. Whoever that anonymous person is is not very nice. We will move on from that. Keep up the good work.
Nannie says, WOW,,,,,, he is getting so big, can't wait to snatch him right up this week when I get there.
Im glad callum likes his fun mat from us. I can't wait to see him this weeekend, Chelsea is going to help him learn to roll over she said. We also have a few Halloween surpises for him too!
Amanda & Jared,
I do miss Jared's blogging, and we love and miss his musings. I don't take it personal that he is a Red Sox fan because my daughter is a Yankees fan, yuck.
I must add, Emma is very particular who she befriends and Uncle Jared is way up there in her book.
I just want to add, Callum looks like he is growing to fast. I have the same problem with Emma and Brandon. I told Emma that she wasn't to get any older and she told me, "To bad Pop Pa I can't help it".
I can't believe how much Callum has changed since we saw him three weeks ago. Pretty soon you won't be able to play up and down with him. I think Callum and Brandon look like they will be linemen on a football team. Must be what they are eating.
MIL must be having a ball watching Callum. I know Aunt June is jealous.
Hey I have an idea. How about we enjoy amanda's blog and stop harping on missing jared???? We all know he won't stay along for long.
I just love those pictures! I love that beh-beh!
Sorry Amanda I know you did all the work carrying and delivering this baby but he is all his father. Well I think he may have you hair color. But he looks so handsome and so big in thos pictures. I can't wait to actually see the real him and hold him.
Jared, ignore that anonymous, we want you back with Amanda
Just so you know, Jared did not leave that last comment. I asked him. He doesnt comment on the blog, so someone is now impersonating him. That's all. Callum says hi to everyone!
Hola Jamanda!
Sorry you had to return to work but I'm glad to hear you have a nice support group there. It makes returning a little easier. Granny must be loving her time w/ Callum. I can't believe how big he's gotten. He's so cute.
Granny says yes to all of you! It's wonderful to be able to stay with Callum while Amanda and Jared are at work. It's a real blessing and I feel lucky to be able to do it. It's so much fun! Although to be honest with you, my first choice would be that his mommy or daddy could always be with him. That would be the best! Tomorrow we'll be picking out an outfit for him to wear on Friday when Nannie and Auntie Kk and Uncle Twon come to visit. I've been telling him about it and he is very excited to see everyone. Actually, I will be glad to see you all too!
The pictures of Callum are adorable. He's just so cuddley. I always say how he looks just like Jared but I have to say that in that last picture he looks an awful lot like Jonathan. Sorry Amanda.
And speaking as the M.I.L. of Jared, I know that anonymous has free speech but I would just like to say -----POOH!
Cute blog, Amanda...I can't get over how different Callum looks already! It's nice to see so many pictures of him - he's growing up so fast! I, too, miss Jared's meanderings, especially when I'm having a crappy day and just need some cheering up. Tomorrow night will be fun at Mom's...we're doing pizza and chips, and I told Jared today that he and Callum are more than welcome to come, too.
Hope work goes okay!
Just looking at Callum's face makes my day, I look at it and a big smile comes on my face and a loud sound of joy comes out. He is sooo cute.
Nannie can't wait for tomorrow....
Nannie is trying to figure out how to get her name to show, instead of it being anonymous, becasue whoever that is is not as nice as me,,, and i hope you all don't think it's me, OH MY STARS....
lets see if i can get it to work...
Nannie did it..
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